
Wednesday May 16, 2018
How Life Works with Cartoonist and Author Andrew Matthews
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 16 May 2018, 3:00 PM ET
How Life Works with Cartoonist and Author Andrew Matthews
Join us for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as we welcome special guest, Cartoonist and Author Andrew Matthews and discuss his new book, ‘How Life Works: WHY happy people are more successful. HOW you can be like them!’
U.S. ONLY – OM TIMES RADIO: 1-202-570-7057
INTERNATIONAL: Post a question on our closed Facebook page: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO
How Life Works is all about the power of belief and how your feelings influence what you receive in life. Peppered with positive stories, funny cartoons and ‘in a nutshell’ summaries, this inspirational and accessible self- help book is distinct to other books in this arena in that it focuses not on thoughts but feelings being the life force and lifeline to the Universe.
About the Guest: Andrew Matthews
Andrew Matthews is a speaker at conferences worldwide on happiness and prosperity and is the author of a range of popular self-help books that have sold in 43 languages. He has addressed over a thousand corporations over five continents, from banks, government institutions to prisons, universities and schools. His specialty areas include life-work balance, embracing change, dealing with disasters and achieving success. He is based in Queensland, Australia, and he has appeared on over 4,000 TV and radio programs.

Wednesday May 09, 2018
Living In A Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey Into The Heart Of Consciousness
Wednesday May 09, 2018
Wednesday May 09, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 9 May 2018, 3:00 PM ET
Living In A Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey Into The Heart Of Consciousness
INTERNET RADIO – Join us this “WISDOM WEDNESDAY” at 12pm PST / 1PM MT / 2pm CST/ 3pm EST on INSPIRED LIVING RADIO with guests Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newall.
TOPIC: LIVING IN A MINDFUL UNIVERSE: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness
Listen live: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/
Websites: www.ebenalexander.com / www.sacredacoustics.com
About Dr. Eben Alexander:
After decades as a physician and teacher at Harvard Medical School and elsewhere, renowned academic neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander thought he knew how the brain, mind, and consciousness worked. A transcendental Near-Death Experience (NDE) during a week-long coma from an inexplicable brain infection changed all of that – completely. Memories of his life had been completely deleted, yet he awoke with memories of a fantastic odyssey deep into another realm – more real than this earthly one!
Since his 2008 NDE he has been reconciling his rich spiritual experience with contemporary physics and cosmology. We are conscious in spite of our brain. By probing deeply into our own consciousness, we transcend the limits of the human brain, and of the physical-material realm. His story offers a crucial key to the understanding of reality and human consciousness.
A pioneering scientist and thought leader in consciousness studies, Dr. Alexander has been a guest on Dr. Oz, Oprah, and many other media programs. His most recent book, Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness, (co-authored with Karen Newell) has garnered accolades from many scientists around the world who study the mind-body question and the nature of consciousness. His earlier books, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife and The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion, and Ordinary People Are Proving the Afterlife, have collectively spent more than two years atop the New York Times and international bestseller lists.
About Karen Newall:
Karen Newell has spent a lifetime seeking wisdom through esoteric teachings and firsthand experience exploring realms of consciousness. She empowers others by demonstrating how to connect to inner guidance, achieve inspiration, improve wellness and develop intuition. She is cofounder of Sacred Acoustics, and co-author with Dr. Eben Alexander of Living in a Mindful Universe (Rodale, 2017).
We also offer two wonderful freebies to your listeners: a 20-min sound meditation called “Om” from the sacred acoustics website – https://www.sacredacoustics.com/pages/free-download-sign-up and an online companion course to the book, called your 33-Day Journey into the Heart of Consciousness, with a different thought each day and exercise in mindfulness. The comment boards are rich with other participants comments and suggestions as well. www.ebenalexander.com/33days/

Wednesday May 02, 2018
Open Phone Lines and Free Readings
Wednesday May 02, 2018
Wednesday May 02, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 2 May 2018, 3:00 PM ET
Open Phone Lines and Free Readings
INTERNET RADIO – Join us this “WISDOM WEDNESDAY” at 12pm PST / 1PM MT / 2pm CST/ 3pm EST on INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as your hosts Marc and Kim open phone lines to take your questions, comments and offer FREE readings.
This is YOUR hour – dedicated to you the Inspired Listener!
Listen live: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/
Website: www.lovefirst.info
Website: www.marclainhart.com

Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Magic In The Moment with Marc Lainhart
Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 25 April 2018, 3:00 PM ET
Magic In The Moment with Marc Lainhart
Join us for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as Marc discusses and shares his new “MAGIC IN THE MOMENT” Meditation and offers up a SPIRITUAL CHAT on our “PLACE TO PARTICIPATE” for Earth-Day.
LIVE CALL-IN LINES (U.S. ONLY): 1-202-570-7057
INTERNATIONAL LISTENERS: Please post a question on our closed Facebook page: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO and Marc will bring it LIVE-TO-AIR!
More about Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector™:
Marc is an internationally distinguished, and tested Spiritual Psychic-Medium. Marc’s work as a Radio Show Host, Hiking Guide, Certified Scuba Diver, Metaphysical Teacher, Holistic Healer, Inspirational Thought Leader, Certified Healthcare Provider, and Writer are to serve, heal, guide, teach, transform, and inspire others in connecting to spirit, self, and this wonderful world around us!
With his own Near Death Experience (NDE) and several personal tragedies, Marc has spent the last several years deciphering and demystifying the sensational subject matter of death and dying, and now strives to help others from around the world tap into and flex their own intuitive muscles and abilities.
“Spiritual Prospecting for Spiritual Gold!” ~MarcLainhart.com

Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Accelerated Ascension with Kimberly Thalken
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 11 April 2018, 3:00 PM ET
Accelerated Ascension with Kimberly Thalken
Join me this “WISDOM WEDNESDAY” at 12pm PST / 1PM MT / 2pm CST/ 3pm EST on INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as I will be the host and the guest this week!
TOPIC: ACCELERATED ASCENSION. What does this mean? What does one experience? How does this affect you spiritually, mentally, emotionally,physically? How does this transform your life? Multi-dimensional New Earth is here; I will be speaking about my personal experiences from the time of activation to the present. Hope you’ll join me.
Listen live: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/
About Kimberly Thalken:
Kimberly is an internationally recognized, tested and certified Psychic-Medium; An approved Psychic reader at the Edgar Cayce Association for Research and Enlightenment; Master-Instructor in Energy Healing; Hypnotherapist; Author; Radio Show Co-Host on Inspired Living on OmTimes Radio and the Founder of her bi-coastal spiritual practice Love First®: Where Life Transformations Happen in Richmond, VA and Encino, CA.
Kimberly has studied domestically and internationally receiving both a Masters and Bachelor degree in Business Administration and has over 15 years of work experience in the corporate world as an executive in the entertainment industry. She transitioned full time into pursuing her life’s purpose with her practice Love First® and has studied with top instructors and professionals in the fields of metaphysics, energy healing, hypnotherapy and life coaching.
As the Founder of Love First®: Where Life Transformations Happen Kimberly has been honored to support her clients through some of life’s greatest challenges. She uses an integrative approach to support her clients’ individual needs by: working with her psychic abilities to help bring in clarity to situations that need greater understanding; using energy healing techniques to eliminate blocks; and, unleashing one’s greatest potential by tapping into the power of the mind with hypnotherapy. The focus of her work is assisting clients to live a life of wellness through higher levels of consciousness and to understand their own empowered ability to create a joyful, meaningful life that’s filled with purpose.
Website: www.lovefirst.info
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kimthalken/
Youtube.: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFlc35BbGYfL_6XzIZkxw6A…
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KimLoveFirst

Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Kundalini Energy & the Kundalini Research Institute
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 4 April 2018, 3:00 PM ET
Kundalini Energy & the Kundalini Research Institute
Join us for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as we welcome special guest, Kathryn McCusker from the Kundalini Research Institute.
U.S. ONLY – OM TIMES RADIO: 1-202-570-7057
INTERNATIONAL: Post a question on our closed Facebook page: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO
Lying dormant at the base of the spine, Kundalini energy can be awakened through movement, meditation, mantra and breathing to re-balance the mind and body. It has the power to transform us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually if we learn to harness and control it properly. Far from being the inaccessible mystery that many believe, Kundalini can be easily incorporated into anyone’s daily routine for little, but long-lasting, boosts. Stage by stage, this book shows you how to make Kundalini a part of even the busiest life. The 12 guided meditations bring together all these techniques to address specific issues in your life, such as creativity, love, anxiety or fatigue. They also range from 4 to 41 minutes to ensure that anyone can incorporate them easily into their day for maximum benefits.
About the Guest: Kathryn McCusker
Kathryn McCusker is a certified teacher with the Kundalini Research Institute and has taught at leading yoga studios, including Triyoga as well as creating and running KMYOGA a successful Kundalini Yoga studio in Sydney for three years. Her private client base includes actors and musicians and she leads workshops and retreats around the world. A professional opera singer, Kathryn McCusker brings her special understanding of the power of sound and breath to her yoga teaching.
Social Media Links:
Website: https://kathrynmccuskerkundalini.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KMYOGA
Twitter: @KMYOGAKundalini
Instagram: KMYOGA

Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
Open Phone Lines, Free Readings and “Spirit Chats!”
Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 28 March 2018, 3:00 PM ET
Open Phone Lines, Free Readings and “Spirit Chats!”
Join us tomorrow for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as we open up the phone lines for our “Inspired Listeners” all around the world and have a “Spirit Chat” while we answer your questions, free readings, or call-in and say hello!
U.S. ONLY – OM TIMES RADIO: 1-202-570-7057
INTERNATIONAL: Post a question on our closed Facebook page: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO

Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 14 March 2018, 3:00 PM ET
The Gaslight Effect: How to Spot and Survive The Hidden Manipulation Others Use to Control Your Life
Join us this next “WISDOM WEDNESDAY” at 12pm PST / 1PM MT / 2pm CST/ 3pm EST on INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as we welcome special guest, Author, Dr. Robin Stern.
OM TIMES CALL IN LINE: 1-202-570-7057
TOPIC: The Gaslight Effect: How to Spot and Survive The Hidden Manipulation Others Use to Control Your Life
INSPIRED LIVING RADIO: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/
Robin Stern, Ph.D., is the associate director for the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. She is a licensed psychoanalyst, educator, and author, with over twenty-five years of experience treating individuals, couples, and groups. Robin holds a doctorate in applied psychology from New York University and a postdoctoral certificate in psychoanalytic group psychotherapy from the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health. She is on the faculty of Teacher’s College, Columbia University, where she co-teaches a class on emotional intelligence. Robin is a co-developer of RULER, as well as a co-creator and a lead facilitator for Yale’s Institutes.
CONTACT INFO: www.robinstern.com

Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 7 March 2018, 3:00 PM ET
Higher Consciousness Transitions Humanity to a Whole NEW Earth; Physical Body Ascension; Multidimensional NEW Earth; and so Much More
Join us this next “WISDOM WEDNESDAY” at 12pm PST / 1PM MT / 2pm CST/ 3pm EST on INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as we welcome special guest Lisa Transcendence Brown.
OM TIMES CALL IN LINE: 1-202-570-7057
TOPIC: Higher Consciousness Transitions Humanity to a Whole NEW Earth; Physical Body Ascension; Multidimensional NEW Earth; and so Much More.
INSPIRED LIVING RADIO: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/
Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc., is a globally recognized Author, Transformational Speaker, Teacher, Coach, WayShower/Guide, New Earth Physical Ascension & Empowerment Guide assisting others in Awakening To Remembering fully and Living Mastery from within. As an embodied Ascended Master & Ancient Key-Code-Holder for NEW Earth, dedicated and fully in-service, she brings forth highest consciousness wisdom and knowledge to empower all ready to embrace their own Quantum Existence now.
As a highly respected visionary, sage, oracle, and re-educator through Highest Consciousness Existence, Lisa is regarded as an expert on our Plasma Crystalline LightBody Evolution, Multi-Dimensional Consciousness/Energy Mastery and Living Our Super Quantum NEW Earth Existence NOW. She shares from her own experiences and works through the Unified Field as Love with a focus on transformation and expansion beyond one’s current physical reality. All of her works are Light Encoded to activate and raise the vibrational frequency of those who receive and to assist with the Evolution of HUmanity through Global Consciousness re-education too.
She holds a Bachelors of Metaphysical Science (B.Msc.) from the University of Metaphysical Sciences and is the author of two world-renowned books: “Awakening to Remembering: A Journey of Consciousness” and “Navigating Dimensions: Reminders for Remembering, Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” with several more on the way!
Website: www.awakeningtoremembering.com/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCMjNcLW4NShaB_gNoW1UZQg/videos

Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Spiritual Spring Cleaning with Marc Lainhart
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 28 February 2018, 3:00 PM ET
Spiritual Spring Cleaning with Marc Lainhart
Join us this “WISDOM WEDNESDAY” at 12pm PST / 1PM MT / 2pm CST/ 3pm EST on INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as Marc discusses ways to acknowledge and embrace Spiritual Spring Cleaning for your life and the future you desire and want. Marc will be taking LIVE callers and answering questions from the INSPIRED LIVING RADIO FACEBOOK PAGE.
OM TIMES CALL IN LINE: 1-202-570-7057
INSPIRED LIVING RADIO: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/
More About Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector™:
Marc Lainhart is an internationally distinguished, and tested Spiritual Psychic-Medium. Marc’s work as a Radio Show Host, Hiking Guide, Certified Scuba Diver, Metaphysical Teacher, Holistic Healer, Inspirational Thought Leader, Certified Healthcare Provider, and Writer are to serve, heal, guide, teach, transform, and inspire others in connecting to spirit, self, and this wonderful world around us! With his own Near Death Experience (NDE) and several personal tragedies, Marc has spent the last several years deciphering and demystifying the sensational subject matter of death and dying, and now strives to help others from around the world tap into and flex their own intuitive muscles and abilities. “Spiritual Prospecting for Spiritual Gold!”
Website: www.MarcLainhart.com