
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Jennifer Noel Taylor - Spiritual and Broke
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Jennifer Noel Taylor – Spiritual and Broke
Aired Wednesday, 13 March 2019, 3:00 PM ET
SPIRITUAL AND BROKE? Learn how to stop struggling with money and live your purpose.
Join us for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as we welcome to the show, Jennifer Taylor.
U.S. – OM TIMES RADIO: 1-202-570-7057
Jennifer Noel Taylor is an energy healing practitioner, self-help motivator, and the CEO of Quantum-Touch, Inc. She has dedicated her life work to helping people discover the healing power of their love.
Jennifer graduated from Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo, CA) with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science and a Minor in Philosophy. After graduation, she started her first job as a Software Engineer at a big company in San Diego. Like so many people, she felt incredibly trapped and depressed at a job that paid the bills but didn’t align with her true passion in life. She innately knew that she had a purpose and felt keenly aware that she was not following her true calling in life.
CONTACT: https://jennifernoeltaylor.com/

Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Monica Berg - Fear Is Not An Option
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Monica Berg – Fear Is Not An Option
Aired Wednesday, 6 March 2019, 3:00 PM ET
Join us for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as we welcome to the show, author and Chief Communications Officer of The Kabbalah Centre – Monica Berg.
U.S. – OM TIMES RADIO: 1-202-570-7057
About the Guest: Monica Berg
Monica Berg is the Chief Communications Officer of The Kabbalah Centre and author of Fear is Not an Option.
A self proclaimed “Change Junkie,” Monica is a fresh voice that channels her many years of kabbalistic study along with personal life experiences. Monica shows individuals how to create a life that not only feels like it’s working, but most importantly, a life in which they are living and loving as the powerful, fulfilled person they’ve always wanted to be.
As a mother of four, who triumphed over an eating disorder, Monica is direct with her trademark blend of humor, insight, and raw honesty. She leads people to not only see how they can change but inspires them to get excited about a lifestyle of change. Her book—part memoir, part how-to Fear is Not an Option— illustrates by example to readers how FEAR is the one thing holding us back from achieving our goals.
Website: https://rethinklife.today/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/monicaberg74/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/monicaberg74
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AskMonicaBerg/

Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Marc Lainhart - “The Rule of 3” in a Universal Year
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
“The Rule of 3” in a Universal Year with Marc Lainhart
Aired Wednesday, 27 February 2019, 3:00 PM ET
Join us for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as host Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector discusses Numerology, a ‘Universal Year’ and how the power of “3” interacts and influences our lives every single day. “THREE” reasons why you will want to “LISTEN” IN:
“Be Inspired! Inspire Others! Inspire Before We Expire!” ~The Intuitive Prospector
Phone lines will be open in the second half of this show for FREE readings with Marc *Please ask questions related to the topic of the show only*
U.S. – OM TIMES RADIO: 1-202-570-7057
INTERNATIONAL LISTENERS: Post a question on our closed Facebook page: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO
“You are the Inspired and the Inspiration!” ~ILR
TOPIC: The power of the 3 energy or the ” Rule of 3″ can be found in so many different areas of our lives and around the planet from the human body, science, sports, religions, to movies, books, poems, etc., and once we become aware of the number 3 frequency and potentials in life it will only strengthen and improve the spiritual walk along the many pathways of life. Let’s go “PROSPECTING…”
About Marc Lainhart:
Based in Seattle, Washington, Marc Lainhart is an award-winning, internationally respected and Spiritual Psychic-Medium. He is a dedicated Metaphysical Teacher, Holistic Healer, Inspirational Thought Leader, Certified Healthcare Provider, Writer, and Radio Show Host who is passionate to serve, heal, guide, teach, transform, and inspire others to connect with spirit and self in the wonderful world that surrounds us! With his own Near Death Experience (NDE) and several personal tragedies, he has spent the last several years deciphering and demystifying the sensational subject matter of death and dying and now strives to help others from around the world tap into and flex their own intuitive muscles and abilities.
“Spiritual Prospecting for Spiritual Gold!” ~The Intuitive Prospector
MORE INFORMATION: MarcLainhart.com

Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Brian Robertson and Simon James - Magician to Mystic
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Magician to Mystic: A Mediumistic Path to a Spiritual Life with Brian Robertson & Simon James
Aired Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 3:00 PM ET
Join us for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as we welcome to the show for the first time, Internationally known mediums, teachers, senior tutors, and course organizers at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England and Directors of ‘The Inner Quest Foundation’ in Victoria, Canada, Brian Robertson and Simon James! We will be discussing their new book, ‘Magician to Mystic: A Mediumistic Path to a Spiritual Life’ (Sorry… NO READINGS during the LIVE show). This is going to be a FANTASTIC show as we discuss the many pathways to mediumship and spiritual development!
TOPIC – ‘Magician to Mystic: A Mediumistic Path to a Spiritual Life’
As long as we believe that enlightenment is to be found outside of ourselves, we miss the point. We live in a culture which rarely encourages the natural faculty of intuition. Instead, we create heroes, follow mentors, and idolize Hollywood stars because we fail to recognize the greatness within ourselves. In our tradition, we nurture the intuitive nature, the natural inner knowing that leads us back to our Beauty. When you awaken to who you are, to your true nature, then you may truly begin on the path of enlightenment. Enlightenment is not just about sitting and bathing in the light, becoming one with everything. We must act. We must do. We must feel. Then we may come to know.
“Everyday Mediumship:” All human beings have the potential to be both the inspired and the inspirer because we are all connected to the Soul of All. Practical inventions, works of art, mathematical theories, musical compositions, and medical discoveries – in short, everything we have ever created is the outflowing of inspiration. We all become the medium for inspired thought and, in this sense, we become an everyday medium.
About the Guests:
Brian Robertson is an internationally known medium, spiritual lecturer and highly respected teacher of transcommunication. He is founder and president of the Inner Quest, a center of study for the ethical development of mediums and serious students of the intuitive arts. He teaches at major colleges and institutions around the world, and is a much sought-after advisor to multi-faith religious organizations, sharing the breadth of his esoteric knowledge both as a keynote speaker on international platforms and in documentary film, radio, and television.
Simon James is one of today’s finest classical spiritual mediums and a living link to the British tradition of the early 20th century, having been one of only five mediums chosen to be personally trained by the renowned Gordon Higginson. He is a director of the Inner Quest in Canada and teaches at major centers in Australia, Great Britain, the United States, Europe and around the world. Simon James holds a degree in Applied Psychology and has extensive knowledge of mythology, the tarot and related disciplines which inform his work with mediums, teachers and medical professionals worldwide.
MORE INFORMATION: https://www.innerquestfoundation.com

Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Steven Morrison - The Spiritual Workout
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Aired Wednesday, 13 February 2019, 3:00 PM ET
Steven Morrison – The Spiritual Workout – How to Thrive in Difficult Times
Ready For A Spiritual Workout?
Join us for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as we welcome to the show, Steven Morrison, Founder of The Conscious Company, Author of The Spiritual Workout, Higher Consciousness Enthusiast.
U.S. – OM TIMES RADIO: 1-202-570-7057
TOPIC: The Conscious Company, Spiritual Workout, everyday higher consciousness, how to thrive during difficult times
About the Guest: Steven Morrison
Steven Morrison, M.A. is a former psychotherapist, creator of Spiritual Workout®, founder of The Consciousness Company, author of An Extra Year and a man who is happiest when writing in a number of formats. He reports that his practice, Spiritual Workout, is what allowed him 1) to say “good riddance” to the safety of the corporate world to be an entrepreneur; 2) to thrive in the wake of his partner’s death in a way that grew his soul and increased his capacity to love; and 3) to recover from the experience, circa 2008, of losing house, home, and all kinds of things during the global financial meltdown while launching a new business. He is obsessed with creating a world that works for everyone by bringing his brand of everyday higher consciousness to traditionally under-served communities wherever they are.
Website: spiritualworkout.com
Support: patreon.com/MorrisonSteven
Twitter: twitter.com/MorrisonSteven

Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
How to Get the Life You Want with Feng Shui!
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Aired Wednesday, 6 February 2019, 3:00 PM ET
How to Get the Life You Want with Feng Shui!
Wealth, Relationships, Real Estate, Harmony, Career, Health and FENG SHUI!
Join us for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as we welcome to the show, Feng Shui Master, Teacher, International Author, Lecturer, Denise Liotta-Dennis.
U.S. – OM TIMES RADIO: 1-202-570-7057
TOPIC: How to Get the Life You Want With Feng Shui!
About the Guest:
Known as the “fast-talkin’ Texan,”—an interesting and delightful oxymoron—Denise A. Liotta-Dennis, is less than 100 genuine Feng Shui Masters’ in America. Denise has studied with four noted Feng Shui Masters from China, Malaysia and Australia, including Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai and belongs to his 400- year Wu Chang Feng Shui Mastery lineage. A gifted educator and speaker, Denise offers both high energy and rich content, with a rapid-fire delivery that keeps audiences spell bound and wide-eyed at the edge of their seats, peppering her talks with a quaint southwestern humor. Denise is the author of six books; her latest is Hollywood’s Fatal Feng Shui: An In-Depth Examination of 10 Celebrity Homes with a Tragic History.

Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Relationship Sanity - How to Experience More Satisfying Relationships
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Aired Wednesday, 30 January 2019, 3:00 PM ET
Relationship Sanity – How to Experience More Satisfying Relationships
Join us for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as we welcome to the show, Mark Borg, Ph.D., author and clinical psychologist.
U.S. – OM TIMES RADIO: 1-202-570-7057
TOPIC: Book Relationship Sanity: learn how to move beyond obstacles to intimacy and to learn how to enjoy satisfying relationships with one another.
About the Guest:
Mark B. Borg, Jr., Ph.D. is a community and clinical psychologist and a psychoanalyst practicing in NewYork City. He is founding partner of The Community Consulting Group, a consulting firm that trains community stakeholders, local governments and other organizations to use psychoanalytic techniques in community rebuilding and revitalization. He is a supervisor of psychotherapy at the William Alanson White Institute and has written extensively about the intersection of psychoanalysis and community crisis intervention. He has published numerous articles and book chapters on community intervention,organizational consultation, psychoanalytic therapy; and on the application of psychoanalytic theory and technique to improve and streamline the process of community crisis intervention.

Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
What’s Beyond Mindfulness - Waking Up To This Precious Life with Stephen Fulder
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Aired Wednesday, 23 January 2019, 3:00 PM ET
What’s Beyond Mindfulness – Waking Up To This Precious Life with Stephen Fulder
Join us for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as we welcome to the show, International Bestselling Author, Stephen Fulder to discuss his book, ‘What’s Beyond Mindfulness – Waking Up To This Precious Life.’ This is going to be a fun, interesting and inspiring show!
What’s Beyond Mindfulness was a bestseller in Israel for 18 weeks and is written by leading Peace Activist Stephen Fulder, founder of the Israel Insight Society which has been at the helm of peace talks between Palestinians and Israelis and guided thousands of people in Israel and worldwide in exploring Buddhist teachings. The book is endorsed by Jack Kornfield and James Baraz.
What’s Beyond Mindfulness goes way beyond mindfulness and is filled with important concepts such as happiness is found in being, not having, to the impact of deep listening and sharing our suffering as a way to create empathy and build bridges amongst war torn groups, ‘What’s Beyond Mindfulness is filled with all the wisdom and compassion Fulder has gleaned from years of teaching, healing and peace work in Israel and Palestine’, Jack Kornfield (best-selling US author and one of the key teachers in bringing mindfulness to the West.) What’s Beyond Mindfulness is a uniquely practical and accessible exploration of Buddhism in everyday life that will appeal to people of any faith and to those of none.
About the Guest: Stephen Fulder PhD
Stephen Fulder PhD is the founder and senior teacher of the Israel Insight Society, the foremost organisation in Israel teaching mindfulness and other meditative practices, and has over the last 25 years, guided thousands of people in Israel and worldwide in exploring Buddhist teachings, practices and perspectives. He is also well known for applying these methods to promoting peace in the Middle East. Fulder has also written 14 books on health-related subjects.

Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
2019: The Year Ahead with Marc & Kim
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Aired Wednesday, 16 January 2019, 3:00 PM ET
2019: The Year Ahead with Marc & Kim
Join us for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as we discuss 2019 and the year ahead! We will be opening the phone lines to take your questions, comments, what are you looking forward too in 2019 and of course FREE readings and “Spiritual Chats!” This show is dedicated to YOU… OUR “INSPIRED LISTENERS!”
U.S. – OM TIMES RADIO: 1-202-570-7057
INTERNATIONAL: Post a question on our closed Facebook page: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO

Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
Tails from the Afterlife with Kristy Robinett
Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
Aired Wednesday, 9 January 2019, 3:00 PM ET
Tails from the Afterlife with Kristy Robinett
Join us for the first “Wisdom Wednesday” of 2019 as INSPIRED LIVING RADIO moves into its 4th season of “SPIRITUAL AWESOMENESS!” We will open the season with a fun and inspiring book titled, ‘Tails from the Afterlife’ with Psychic-Medium, Author and Life Coach Kristy Robinett. Phone lines will be open if you have a question about your pet or “fur baby” who is still very much apart of our lives in the Spirit World…
About the Guest: Kristy Robinett
Kristy Robinett is a revolutionary psychic medium, international author, and inspirational speaker. In addition to giving readings and teaching workshops, she uses her psychic skills to assist with police investigations.
Kristy lectures across the country and is a frequent media commentator, appearing on the ID Channel’s Restless Souls, Fox News, ABC News, Coast to Coast, and more. Kristy Robinett is also the author of several books, including Tails from the Afterlife: Stories of Signs, Messages, and Inspiration from your Companion Animals (Llewellyn, March 2018); Messages From a Wonderful Afterlife: Signs Loved Ones Send from Beyond; It’s a Wonderful Afterlife: Inspiring True Stories from a Psychic Medium; Forevermore: Guided in Spirit by Edgar Allan Poe; Messenger Between Worlds: True Stories from a Psychic Medium; Higher Intuitions Oracle; Ghosts of Southeast Michigan; and Michigan’s Haunted Legends and Lore.
Visit her online at: KristyRobinett.com