
Thursday Jan 19, 2017
Healing Through The Akashic Records with Dr. Linda Howe
Thursday Jan 19, 2017
Thursday Jan 19, 2017
Aired Thursday, 19 January 2017, 2:00 PM ET
What are the Akashic Records? Well, if you were to open and read a book that told the full story of your life, you would be reading your Akashic Records. Formerly, this sacred information was accessible only by the ancient healers and mystics.
The Akashic Records is now accessible for you to read, understand, and use to heal the sacred wounds of your past and discover your Soul’s true perfection.
Join Sylvia and her very special guest, Linda Howe, for a lively conversation about how you can use the practical wisdom of the Akashic Records to develop a rich connection with your innermost self and create satisfying relationships with others, a greater sense of aliveness, and an increased joy for living.
About the Guest Dr. Linda Howe
Dr. Linda Howe is an award-winning author, teacher, and world-renowned leading expert in the field of Akashic Studies. She was the first person to bring the Akashic Records to the world community and make teachable access to the Records available to anyone with a desire to learn, starting in 1996.
Dr. Linda Howe founded the Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies in Chicago in 2001, teaching thousands of people globally. Linda’s joy is focusing on the Records as a spiritual resource for personal empowerment and transformation. She is especially excited to share the recent revision of her book Healing Through the Akashic Records, now available in paperback.
Dr. Howes’ other books include Discover Your Soul’s Path Through the Akashic Records and How to Read the Akashic Records.
For more information about Dr. Linda Howe, visit: www.LindaHowe.com or www.AkashicStudies.com