
Thursday Aug 27, 2015
Holy Body: The Art of Self Loving
Thursday Aug 27, 2015
Thursday Aug 27, 2015
Holy Body: The Art of Self Loving with Rev. Goddess Charmaine, The Sensuous Mystic
Aired Thursday, 27 August 2015, 4:00 PM ET
Self love and mystical masturbation plays a major role in our spiritual development. A daily meditative self-pleasuring ritual can bring healing and empowerment to our bodies, spirits and the world around us.
* Openly discuss their personal relationship to their body
and how it developed
* Identify and transmute belief systems and programming that limits
pleasure and erotic connection to self
* Set personal intentions that expand the body/spirit container for pleasure
* Learn self-pleasuring and masturbation ritual techniques for self-loving
* Explore Fantasy Spirit to incorporate imagination and visulization
in self-loving rituals
* Create a daily Sensual Self- Pleasuring Ritual you can begin using
right away!
About Guest Rev. Goddess Charmaine
Rev. Goddess Charmaine (current bio) Reverend Goddess Charmaine was ordained by the New Seminary, a school of interfaith theology in New York City. She is a trained Reiki Master, Crystal Reiki Master, certified hypnotherapist, trained aromatherapist, and tantric energy specialist. She primarily focuses her energy work through Shamanism, trained by Kenneth Ray Stubbs through the Path of the Sexual Shaman all levels. She has led workshops in the tri-state area since 1992, and is continually increasing her work as a facilitator of personal empowerment through her workshops such as chakra intensives, Goddess rituals, Second Sunday and Clothing Optional (Naked Church) Services and various others that continue to support empowerment and erotic enlightenment for all. Rev. Goddess has written two books, The Sensuous Mystic ~ Uniting Sex and Spirit and The Goddess Scrolls ~ Sacred Erotic Tales that inspire and enlighten along with her ongoing radio blogtalk show The Sensuous Mystic airing live each Wednesday night at 8pm EST. In July, 2000, in a primitive and intense ritual, she was initiated into Goddess-hood. From this ceremony, she realized that she’d been called to bring forth the unification of Sex and Spirit. Her unique methods center on our natural ability to evolve by healing ourselves and others. With her guidance and assistance, one is lead through a series of letting-go processes. These experiences enable one to work through and leave behind a lifetime of fears and paralyzing self-doubt, to attain the position of strength and power that is rightfully their own. Her website: www.sensuousmystic.com

Thursday Aug 20, 2015
How to Be a Hot and Hypnotic Lover
Thursday Aug 20, 2015
Thursday Aug 20, 2015
How to Be a Hot and Hypnotic Lover with Amy Marsh, Ed.D., DHS, CH, CI, ACS
Aired Thursday, 20 August 2015, 4:00 PM ET
Martha welcomes Amy Marsh for a second, very provocative discussion about the uses of hypnosis for sexual intimacy and pleasure. As a clinical sexologist and certified hypnotist, Amy is passionate about the value of hypnosis as a clinical tool, as well as a form of sexual and sensual enjoyment for lovers. In this show, Amy will focus on how you can use hypnosis to increase pleasure, sensation, and fantasy enjoyment in your own relationships. Listeners will even experience a brief sample of fantasy hypnosis.
About Guest Amy Marsh
Amy Marsh is a board certified clinical sexologist, an AASECT-certified sexuality counselor, a certified hypnotist and hypnosis instructor. She holds Doctor of Education in Human Sexuality (EdD) and Doctor of Human Sexuality (DHS) degrees from the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality.
Dr. Marsh is the founder of the Intimate Hypnosis Training Center, which delivers extensive professional training in hypnosis for sexual problems and enrichment. She also serves as an online instructor at Sex Coach U and Creative Sexuality Education Corporation. She currently teaches “Hot & Hypnotic” workshops on erotic hypnosis.
Dr. Marsh is the author of Sex Squicks – 100 Other Things You Didn’t Know About Sex, now in paperback through Amazon. She is a contributor to the Cultural Encyclopedia of the Penis (2014) and Rachel Pepper’s anthology, Transitions of the Heart (2012). She is published online in the Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, the WriteSex blog, and on WordPress. National television appearances include Good Morning America, The Tyra Banks Show, and two episodes of National Geographic Taboo.
She is currently working on a how-to book about erotic hypnosis. She’ll be presenting workshops on erotic hypnosis at CatalystCon West in Los Angeles in September and the Western Erotic Hypnosis Unconference in Belmont on October.
Website URL: www.dramymarshsexologist.com OR www.intimatehypnosistraining.com
Twitter link: @AmyMarshSexDr
#cconhot (for my session at CatalystCon West)
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/AmyMarshSexDr

Thursday Aug 13, 2015
Sexuality and Spirituality – Recap with Dr. Martha Tara Lee
Thursday Aug 13, 2015
Thursday Aug 13, 2015
Aired Thursday, 13 August 2015, 4:00 PM ET
This episode does a reflect-and-recap. Who have we had thus far? What have I learned about sexuality and spirituality? What would I suggest for listeners out there?
About Dr. Martha Tara Lee
Founder of Eros Coaching, Dr. Martha Tara Lee is a Clinical Sexologist who conducts sexuality and intimacy coaching, and runs sexuality education events in Asia. Often cited in the local media, Dr. Lee is the appointed sex expert for Men’s Health Singapore, and Men’s Health Malaysia. She also contributes regularly towards YourTango and Elephant Journal. She is also the host of weekly radio show Eros Evolution for OM Times Radio. She was recognised as one of ‘Top 50 Inspiring Women under 40′ by Her World in July 2010, and one of ‘Top 100 Inspiring Women’ by CozyCot in March 2011. Her first book Love, Sex and Everything In-Between was published by Marshall Cavendish in Oct 2013.
You can read more about Martha by visiting her website at http://www.eroscoaching.com. Download her free ebook for women at at http://www.eroscoaching.com/reclaiming-your-sexuality/ or sign up for her three-party video series on premature ejaculation for men at http://www.eroscoaching.com/rgsgfree.

Thursday Aug 06, 2015
Love Making Dances: Spirit, Dance, & Sex with Zahava Griss
Thursday Aug 06, 2015
Thursday Aug 06, 2015
Aired Thursday, 6 August 2015, 4:00 PM ET
From age 2 to 22 dance teachers were the ones who taught Zahava to be in awe of the body. She joins us for a conversation about spirit, dance, and sex through the moving sensing body. Learn how intention, breath, and movement can transform emotions, presence us for meaningful intimacy, and connect us with a collective life force. Creating a felt sense of our power and self-knowledge can allow us to deconstruct the race, class, and gender messages directed at our bodies so we can embody self love independent of the ways society ranks us.
About Guest Zahava Griss
Zahava Griss is the founder of EMBODY more LOVE, providing embodiment, healing, & sexual empowerment for social change leaders. She is committed to people leading with more love, joy, and innovation in their personal and change making relationships. She offers dance and the Sacred Alchemy of Leadership, a 3 month immersion. She has 30 years of dance training, certifications in Yoga for birth, Esalen Massage ®, Deep Bodywork ®, Urban Tantra Practitioner, Pilates, & Health Coaching. Her influences include the arts of unlearning racism, Sufi whirling, Sexual Shamanism, bioenergetics, socially conscious entrepreneurship and transformational group dynamics.
Learn more at: www.EMBODYmoreLOVE.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zahava.dances

Thursday Jul 30, 2015
Make Love the Ecology of Your Life with SerenaGaia
Thursday Jul 30, 2015
Thursday Jul 30, 2015
Aired Thursday, 30 July 2015, 4:00 PM ET
Love is the cosmic energy that animates matter with life. There are different names for it in different belief systems: prana, chi, eros, universal energy. Our species has become disconnected from the metabolism of the Earth, the matter from which this energy surges. So we have become a force of destruction capable of turning the blue green planet Gaia into a rock like Mars or a fiery hell like Venus. As a humanist, Serena believes that the arts and humanities are the sciences that help us invent the belief systems we need. The 20th century has been the century of anxiety, the most violent century when humanity has become too powerful for our own good. Now we clearly need a new belief system. Ecosexuality is a way to invent this new belief system as it teaches that love is the ecology of life. Love is what everyone wants and most people feel they are unable to produce. Serena believes that channeling the vital energy of love is an art. Serena believes that this art can be taught and learned in the schools of love we need. The art of ecosexual love is what she teaches. Everybody can learn it! When you learn these arts you can make love the ecology of your life.
About Guest SerenaGaia
SerenaGaia is the sacred name of Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD. SerenaGaia believes that “a world where it is safe to love is a world where it is safe to live,” and intends to create that world with her sacred activism. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio is a professor of humanities and cinema at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. In 2012-13 she was Research Fellow at the University of Connecticut Humanities Institute. Her numerous peer-reviewed articles are available at Academia.edu. In 2011, she taught the first multilingual course in Ecosexuality in Italy. In 2013 she taught the first college credit course in Ecosexuality at U Conn, Storrs.
You can learn more about ecosexual love in Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love, the first edited collection of writings on this topic with the voices of over thirty leaders.
Visit our website at: ecosexbook.com
For all my books, visit my author’s page on: Amazon.com
For workshops, courses, events, rituals visit my website at: serenagaia.org

Thursday Jul 23, 2015
Gender and Trans Talk with Lee Harrington
Thursday Jul 23, 2015
Thursday Jul 23, 2015
Aired Thursday, 23 July 2015, 4:00 PM ET
What are the differences between sex, gender, orientation, sexual behavior, romance and intimacy, relationship styles? This show will discuss Caitlyn Jenner who is being declared by some as a transgender leader, trans terminology and look at how gender and sexuality awareness (of self and others) is an opportunity for personal evolution and compassion practice.
About Guest Lee Harrington
Lee Harrington is an internationally known spiritual and erotic authenticity educator, gender explorer, eclectic artist and award-winning author and editor on human erotic and sacred experience. He’s been traveling the globe (from Seattle to Sydney, Berlin to Boston), teaching and talking about sexuality, psychology, faith, desire and more, and is grateful for the journeys and love he has found along the way. He is an academic, outspoken philosopher, sexuality podcaster, kink and bondage expert, transgender man, and has been blogging about sex and spirituality since 1998. His books include “Sacred Kink: The Eightfold Paths of BDSM and Beyond,” and “More Shibari You Can Use: Passionate Rope Bondage and Intimate Connection,” while his essays on gender appear in “Trans People in Love” edited by Tracie O’Keefe and Katrina Fox and “Double Edge: The Intersection of Transgender and BDSM” edited by Raven Kaldera. Read more about Lee at: PassionAndSoul.com

Thursday Jul 16, 2015
Cyber Infidelity: The New Seduction
Thursday Jul 16, 2015
Thursday Jul 16, 2015
Cyber Infidelity: The New Seduction with Dr. Marlene Wasserman
Aired Thursday, 16 July 2015, 4:00 PM ET
Marlene has just released her latest book :”Cyber Infidelity: The New Seduction”. Utilizing the database of www.ashleymadison.com, the world’s largest dating site for married people, Marlene brings to you cutting edge findings on what is cyber infidelity, why people commit it, how women behave online and discusses the future of #Sextech’s role in relationships. Come chat with her and consider your current use of technology and the impact it has on your significant relationship.
About Guest Dr. Marlene Wasserman
Dr Marlene Wasserman is an internationally accredited Couple and Sex Therapist. A clinician in Private Practice, Couple and Sex Therapist, Clinical Sexologist, Sexual Medicine Therapist, Sexual Rights Activist and founder of the Dr Eve brand, Dr Marlene Wasserman is a woman, a parent, and a partner. She is passionate about living life in a healthy, sensual and responsible way. I am dedicated to you. She is the author of the best selling book Pillowbook, Dr Eve Sex Book A Guide for Young People, and Ageing and Sexuality.
Web site: http://www.marlenewasserman.com
Twitter: @drwasserman

Thursday Jul 09, 2015
Exposing Sexuality Myths & Healing Shame
Thursday Jul 09, 2015
Thursday Jul 09, 2015
The Emergence of a Modern Tantric Goddess in Therapeutic Practice – Exposing Sexuality Myths & Healing Shame
Aired Thursday, 9 July 2015, 4:00 PM ET
Taryn Harvey is passionate about bringing the topic of sex and intimacy out into the open, specifically around the area of sexual dysfunction & abuse; plus how to live a healthy fulfilling sexual life when single – or in a relationship with a partner who may be seriously ill. Her practice and coaching is all about empowerment for the individual. She highlights that body image issues create huge discrepancies in both men and women when it comes to confidence in mating, dating, relating and ageing. Self-esteem and communication skills are key in creating healthy sex lives full of passion and fun!
About Guest Taryn Harvey
Taryn Harvey is the founder of Tantra Sydney, and is primarily based in Australia. A Certified Tantra Teacher & Chakra Practitioner infusing bodywork, Taryn holds Diplomas in Transformational Life Coaching + Holistic Counselling. Also a recently published author, her book “Trust” is a personal account of sexual repression, abuse, divorce, sexwork, holistic therapy and the path to Tantra through spiritual enlightenment.
Website: http://tantricsexualhealing.blogspot.sg/
Twitter: @tantricsexcoach
Facebook: TarynTantraSydney
Instagram: tarynharveytantra

Thursday Jul 02, 2015
The Art & Science of Female Arousal with Laura-Doe
Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Aired Thursday, 2 July 2015, 4:00 PM ET
Pleasure & embodiment coach and sexuality educator, Laura-Doe will discuss the physical, emotional and spiritual importance of pleasure, particularly for those in a female body. Laura-Doe is passionate about supporting people to understand and to cultivate the potent healing power of their sexual energy. She is in the final stages of production of a documentary seminar called The Art & Science of Female Arousal and hopes to make this much needed information available to singles and couples worldwide as well as to young people through schools and colleges.
About Guest Laura-Doe
Laura-Doe is passionate about supporting people to understand and cultivate the potent healing power of our natural capacity for pleasure. She is a a somatic sex educator, offering workshops and sessions through the yOniversity, an educational organisation dedicated to empowerment through pleasure and knowledge. She also writes and performs comic cabaret as ‘Vaudeville of the Vulva‘ and creates and distributes the Vulvalicious® Cushions, anatomically accurate 3D fabric art pieces. She is the founder and webmistress of www.yoni.com, an online women’s magazine, and maintains a Facebook cause called The Vulvalation!
Coming from an IT background, Laura-Doe’s interest in effective communication led to a career as an educator spanning two continents and both the academic and corporate worlds. She trained with teachers of sexuality across many traditions and disciplines, including David Deida, Barbara Carellas, Joseph Kramer, Kenneth Ray Stubbs and Margot Anand. Laura-Doe has professional qualifications in Sexological Bodywork and Somatic Sex Education and is a member of the Somatic Sex Educators’ Association of Australasia and the Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers.

Thursday Jun 25, 2015
Integrating Sexuality and Spirituality with Sharon Hayes
Thursday Jun 25, 2015
Thursday Jun 25, 2015
How Entrepreneurs and Executives Can Thrive by Integrating Sexuality and Spirituality Into Their Lives with Sharon Hayes
Aired Thursday, 25 June 2015, 4:00 PM ET
Martha welcomes Sharon Hayes to share the reasons why entrepreneurs and executives overlook integrating sexuality and spirituality into their every day lives and the toll this can take. With Martha, Sharon will look at the myths surrounding this and offer listeners some simple strategies to re-prioritize sexuality and spirituality to ultimately live a more balanced and happier life. Further discussion will go deeper into specifics for women who may find it challenging to get and keep the alpha and beta balance.
About Guest Sharon Hayes
Sharon Hayes is a serial entrepreneur with a long track record of both developing her own on and offline businesses as well as providing support services to help other entrepreneurs do the same. Sharon is the CEO of Frontspace, a digital marketing agency, focused on helping coaches, consultants, authors and experts build their audiences and increase their profits. The agency is focused on providing strategical assistance and training along with marketing and technology implementation services. Sharon is a big believer in giving back and has a free Facebook community for entrepreneurs at: METribe.com
Personal blog: SharonHayes.com
Agency: Frontspace.com
Twitter: Twitter.com/SharonHayes
Facebook: Facebook.com/HayesNet