Wednesday Mar 18, 2015
Writing Your Sacred Story with Paddy Fievet PhD
Wednesday Mar 18, 2015
Wednesday Mar 18, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 18 March 2015, 12:00 PM ET
We tell ourselves stories all the time, but how do these differ from stories we write when we are connected to Spirit? Paddy Fievet knows that there is a modern mystic in all of us. By utilizing our multi-sensory nature, we can build our intuition and receive guidance and answers to some of our biggest questions. She believes that each of us has the potential to connect with Spirit and write our own sacred stories. Join us for an insightful conversation on the bridging of spirit and matter by learning how to communicate with the divine and use writing as a spiritual tool.
About Guest Paddy Fievet PhD
As a modern mystic, facilitator, speaker, author and artist, Paddy Fievet provides information to assist others in discovering their own sacred story through books, blogs, courses and speaking engagements. She helps people to gently discern the difference between your own authentic sacred story and those stories you tell yourself to endeavor to make things real in your life. She is a member of Spiritual Directors International, and has studied spirituality, psychic arts, and metaphysical law in depth, earning a Ph.D. in Metaphysics. She is also the author of When Life Cried Out: One Woman’s Spiritual Quest to Be Fully Alive. Visit paddyfievet.com for more information.