
Sunday Dec 06, 2015
Wisdom of the Watchers
Sunday Dec 06, 2015
Sunday Dec 06, 2015
Aired Sunday, 6 December 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah takes you on a journey into the Mind of a very unique soul, Timonthy Wyllie. We will touch upon his journey and his perceptions of the Rebel Angels and Watchers incarnated in this present timeline.
In his book, the Wisdom of the watchers, Georgia, a rebel angel and a Watcher, provides her account of the period on Earth from 39,000 BC to 16,500 BC when Lemurian civilization reached its pinnacle and seismic upheavals overwhelmed its island home of Mu. Georgia interweaves her story with observations about Timothy Wyllie âs life, including his interactions with Timothy Leary, himself a rebel angel incarnate.
About the Guest Timonthy Wyllie
Timothy Wyllie was born in Great Britain in 1940 and raised in London. Having wended his way through an English public school education and then seven years further study at college, he qualified as an architect.
In the late 70s, Timothy began a systematic exploration of out-of-body states. This led to experiments in telepathic communication with dolphins and an open invitation to contact with nonphysical beings that continues to this day. During this time, he was also running his own business in New Your City, marketing a system he had co-devised for storing and filing color photographs. He retired from the business community in 1981 and turned full time to his creative endeavors.
As a musician, Timothy has made several tapes of what he calls “Bozon Music”–a True Age improvisational jazz, shamanic music of the heart–as well as a series of guided visualization and meditation tapes. Also an artist, he is currently working on a virtually endless progression of drawings of sacred landscape. It is what brings him most joy.
Timothy travels frequently to give lectures and seminars or to investigate sites and locations for his drawings. He is the author of Ask Your Angels: A Practical Guide to working with the Messengers of Heaven to Empower and Enrich Your Life, Dolphins, ETs & Angels, and a co-author of Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences: Angels, Aliens, Dolphins & Shamans. He lives in New Mexico.