Monday Jan 16, 2023
What’s in Store for 2023?
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
What’s in Store for 2023?
Air Date: Monday, 16 January 2023 at 5:00 PM ET/2:00 PM PT
Marc Lainhart, The Intuitive Prospector, joins Kathy Biehl to compare their psychic and astrological forecasts for the year.
Marc Lainhart is an award-winning British trained Psychic and Spiritual Medium and Best American Psychics 2020 Psychic of the Year. Marc’s work as a Radio Show Host, Hiking Guide, Metaphysical Teacher, Inspirational Thought Leader, Certified Healthcare Provider, and Writer strives to help, inspire, guide, teach, and transform others in connecting to spirit, self, and this wonderful world around us! With his own Near-Death Experience (NDE), Out of Body Experience (OBE), and several personal tragedies along the way, Marc has spent the last two decades deciphering and demystifying the sensational subject matter of death and dying and now endeavors to help others from around the world tap into and flex their intuitive muscles and abilities with a deeper understanding and awareness of “After Death Communications -ADCs” and interactions with the mystical, universe and unseen!
Marc and Kathy are both 2022 Ommie Award winners for excellence in podcasting, as well as longtime members of Best American Psychics.
Marc’s website: https://www.marclainhart.com/
Visit the Celestial Compass Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/celestial-compass/
Connect with Kathy Biehl on her website https://empowermentunlimited.net/
#MarcLainhart #CelestialCompass #Astrology #KathyBiehl
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