Monday Aug 07, 2023
Weather Astrology with Peter Doughty
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Weather Astrology with Peter Doughty
Air Date: Monday, 7 August 2023 at 5:00 PM ET/2:00 PM PT
Astrology not only predicts the atmospheric energy – it also predicts physical weather! Peter Doughty talks with Kathy about astrological weather forecasting and techniques.
A long and winding astrological road began with a bookstore browse in New York’s Grand Central Station. Soon after his first Saturn return, Peter Doughty saw his first writings published in the mundane astrology realm, including regular contributions to Welcome to Planet Earth magazine. Meandering into and through the early phases of Internet publishing, he experimented with astro-historical timelines and a blog as the term began circulating. A sojourn in the world of Hellenistic perspectives opened new vistas for grasping and communicating the characteristics of personal lives. And a lifelong fascination with atmospheric phenomena inspired him to make a particular study (starting in 2012) of astrological weather forecasting and better comprehending the impacts characteristic of the unfolding anthropocene era.
Since 4Q 2020, Peter has been a contributing writer for The Mountain Astrologer magazine, producing his “Charting the Weather” feature. He has a few copies remaining of his self-published and professionally-designed book, Scenes from a Tapestry (2018). For details and to read his blog and schedule a session, visit: zodiacalspiral.com.
Email: zoidion@protonmail.com
#PeterDoughty #CelestialCompass #Astrology #KathyBiehl
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