Wednesday Sep 23, 2015
Vital Attraction Extravaganza
Wednesday Sep 23, 2015
Wednesday Sep 23, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 23 September 2015, 1:00 PM ET
This week around my kitchen table the Real Holistic Housewives will be joined by our special guests Ann-Marie Marchant and Helen Thatcher the founders of “Vital Attraction” a process which combines the “Laws of Attraction” with “Vital Development” a movement based practice which enables us to explore and expand our range of emotions. Together we will be discussing how this powerful process has evolved and how using it can bring extra well-being and happiness to everyday life.
I will also be sharing my latest Thoths teachings to inspire and encourage everyone to shine as brightly as possible and to add their own uniqueness to the collective radiance!
So please come and join the gathering with lively conversations and laughter as together we Raise Vibrations Across the Nations.
With my beautiful Co Hosts ~ Gill Orsman, Josephine Tyrrell, and regular guest Carmen Vesztergom.
About Guests Helen Thatcher and Ann-Marie Marchant
Ann-Marie and Helen started working together in the spring of 2014 when they ran there first retreat together in Sussex. It was a great success and effortless and they loved the spark and inspiration that they created as they worked together.
Vital Attraction was then born…
Vital Attraction combines the Laws of Attraction and Vital Development and offers a clear way to be free of the old limiting beliefs and stories to then truly embrace and create a powerful, inspirational, natural and joyful way of living & being. Ann-Marie and Helen are devoted to seeing each person as whole and encourage individuality and self expression and now offer workshops, talks and retreats. There next step is to help those within the work place to feel less stressed and to enhance their working environment using the principle of vital attraction.
Helen Thatcher is a warm and welcoming facilitator, with over 14 year’s experience of running groups. She has a strong spiritual background having been an active member of a Buddhist residential community for many years engaging in meditation; absorbing the message of loving-kindness and compassion and developing an understanding of the teachings of the impermanent and transient nature of life. Being a sociable, outgoing person Helen did not retreat from the world and worked as a tutor for adults with learning difficulties bringing both creativity and patience to the role. She found her passion in 2004 in dance and feels that she has made her most profound developments of confidence, centeredness, healing and happiness through Vital Development. This is a movement-based practice, which enables us to explore and expand our range of emotions. Regular participants open up to feeling more joy, confidence, ease and unconditional love. Simply put; Vital Development brings an extra well-being and happiness to life. www.vitalhelen.blogspot.co.uk
Ann-Marie Marchant has worked in the Holistic Field since 2000 and her back ground is in Healing, Massage, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Angelic Readings, Meditation and more recently as a Multi Faith Minister and celebrant. She intuitively connects with her clients and uses her ‘tool box’ of knowledge and knowing to embrace those she teaches and works with. However, Ann-Marie’s true gift is what she has learnt through her own personal awakening. Having hit rock bottom after a series of traumatic events in her life, Ann-Marie has experienced first hand the releasing of ego, fear, judgement, blame and more importantly her ‘story’. She doesn’t just talk the talk she really has walked the walk back to her true sense of self. Her passion is to help other to ‘come home’ to who they truly are and she sees the potential for this regardless of age, colour, creed, religion or background. She works in a very ‘real’ and open way and helps empower people to reach their full potential and knows it is completely possible to live a fulfilling and truly happy life. She more recently has been teaching the powerful tools of the Law of Attraction and has discovered even more freedom, joy and fun through this medium. www.ann-mariemarchant.co.uk