
Sunday Dec 20, 2015
Unfolding Journey of a Earth Angel
Sunday Dec 20, 2015
Sunday Dec 20, 2015
Aired Sunday, 20 December 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah is delighted to reintroduce you to a special Earth Angel. Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron. Charlie has shared his path and wisdom with me on our Heart to Soul talks on OM times Radio periodically thru the past year. Coming in 2016, he will be a regular once a month On our Heart to Soul program the last Sunday of each month.
About the Guest Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron
From early childhood, Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron was aware of Spirit Energy, a facet of himself which dismayed others in his family. In order to survive, he adopted earthly human programming. He attempted to fit within outdated and limiting roles which all failed to serve his Soul Purpose. All of which ended in a motorcycle accident in 1991 resulting in death – or, more commonly, a ‘Near Death Experience’ (NDE) – however, Charlie was briefly returned to the Light, to Source, and thus experienced a realignment and returned to this lifetime.
The dramatic transformation, which was not in accord with anything he had ever previously imagined, or was aware of opened a world of unlimited possibilities. Starting his journey by rewiring his brain, giving up a near photographic memory in order to be able to function rationally as a human. Then adjusting to his open connection to what might be loosely called ‘Other Dimensions of Existence’, which he exclaims is, “ beyond even my own belief… I receive information and guidance well beyond my former abilities, in order to share with others as they open their hearts and begin to see life differently. My ability to read and learn as others is greatly impaired and I have learned to trust implicitly in what I cannot see.”
The name ‘Riverman’ was given to him when he was recognized as an Earth Angel when he met a Storyteller named “Greywing”. He considers himself an Earth Angel which he describes, in essence a human co-facilitator of Higher Energies and Purpose or as he was guided to say, a Spiritual Recovery Facilitator, assisting all to raise their
energy and empower them to access their Spirit Nature, freely and without restriction or fear.
To quote Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron, “Our ability to reclaim our Spirit and transform the physical manifestation of who we ‘think’ we are is unlimited. However, we need to reach a point where Love vs. Fear is only an opposition of energies. We can then know that Love is the Energetic Force of our existence and Fear is always a backdrop unless we choose to focus on it.”
He is now focusing on Dowsing Energy and Co-Creating with clients a more unified and positive connection to the space ‘in and on’ which they live, by aligning the positive and blocking the negative energies of Earth, the Galaxy and Cosmos to empower their unification for the Highest Good of Everyone.
Charlie’s practices over the past 20 + years includes: Near Death Experiencer; Earth Angel; A Course In Miracles Facilitator; Spiritual Recovery Facilitator; Usui Reiki Master/Teacher; NPDT Master and 13 D Healer; 9 Rites of Munay-Ki (Earthkeeper); Crystal Skull Guardian; Golden Light Dowser, Spiritually Inspired Poet & Photographer; and on the more grounded side a Custom Woodworker.