
Sunday Aug 02, 2015
Transmissions: Inner Earth and Nature Kingdoms
Sunday Aug 02, 2015
Sunday Aug 02, 2015
Aired Sunday, 2 August 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah brings to the airwaves this day a trailblazing soul’s works Dianne Robbins. Judy Cali will be speaking with me in Diannes behalf about her Transmissions works. Dianne Robbins wrote the 1st TELOS book ever published in 1992, and the only book of telepathic messages ever received directly from the Hollow Earth.
Her Telos book opened the way for people worldwide to make their own connection to Adama and the City of Telos. The messages in her book were dictated by Adama, word-for-word, and never edited. Each sentence carries the pure flow of energy from Adama that connects you to Telos through Adama’s own vibration.
About Guest Dianne Robbins
Dianne Robbins is A Voice for the Inner Earth and Nature Kingdoms and is the author of 5 books. She is an Inner-Earth and Inter-Species Communicator. Her transmissions connect our hearts to the hearts of Beings in advanced civilizations, and with Whales, Dolphins, the Tree People, the Crystal Nation and Earth’s Elemental Kingdoms.
In service to Earth, Dianne’s messages keep people informed of the vital link between our surface world and other realms of existence who share our planet with us. As we merge our consciousness with these other realms, our perceptual range expands and our inner sight opens.
Dianne says, “As a child, I used to wonder where, in the starry heavens above, was my home. As an adult, I reawakened to the remembrance that I am a telepathic receiver and transmitter for the Inner-Earth terrestrials, Cetaceans, Crystal Kingdom, Tree People and Nature Kingdoms.
“With this new sense of purpose, I have dedicated my life to receiving and publishing my telepathic transmissions from Beings residing in Higher Realms of consciousness. My goal is to spread these messages around the globe in hopes of awakening surface humans to the existence of those that inhabit the Oceans, Subterranean Realms, Hollow Earth and Surface Nature Kingdoms through the publication of my books
Dianne has written 5 books:
“The Call Goes Out – from the Cetacean Nation: This book of channeled messages from the Whales and Dolphins, graphically spells out why they are here on Earth, how they work with extraterrestrials, and how we humans are interfering with their mission. They make an impassioned plea for us to stop whaling, to cease using fishing nets, and to free whales and dolphins in captivity. Open your eyes to the rich culture, inter-Galactic mission, and family life of another intelligent species on this planet. “We are all connected as one.”
Telos: Original Transmission from the Subterranean City Beneath Mt. Shasta: Adama is from Lemuria, an ancient civilization. After the destruction of Lemuria by Atlantis, Adama and thousands of others went underground to establish Telos. Our book of channeled messages is written to humanity, in hopes that they learn of our 5th Dimensional civilization and will recognize and receive us when we emerge from our homes beneath ground and merge with them on the surface, in the not too far distant future. For in order for the Earth and Humanity to continue to ascend in consciousness, the whole planet must be united and merged into ONE Light from below and ONE Light from above.
Messages from the Hollow Earth: Not only is the Earth HOLLOW, but it is inhabited by Advanced Civilizations! Read about the existence of these evolved civilizations that live in peace and brotherhood in the Center of our Earth, which is HOLLOW, and contains an Inner Central Sun with oceans and mountains still in their pristine state. Discover the Lost Library of Alexandria! And learn about advanced technologies for accessing the histories of the universe.
Tree Talk, and Messages from the Crystal Kingdom: http://goo.gl/VuKby