
Thursday Mar 12, 2015
Transcendent Lovemaking ™ with Rob & Janelle Alex PhD
Thursday Mar 12, 2015
Thursday Mar 12, 2015
Aired Thursday, 12 March 2015, 4:00 PM ET
Your sex life can become a gateway to spirit and to guidance from beyond. Synchronistic events, serendipities, heightened confidence, enhanced creativity, improved problem-solving skills – all of these can begin to show up in your daily life when you experience Transcendent Lovemaking™ with intent. Join us as spirituality and relationship experts, Drs. Rob & Janelle Alex, Ph.D., share with you how you can begin to experience this.
About Guests Rob & Janelle Alex PhD
Experts in sacred and sensual relationships, Drs. Rob & Janelle Alex, Ph.D. are the co-founders of The Spiritual Peak Center, the Authors Talk About It podcast, and Mission Date Night podcast and adventures. Together they are the best selling authors of Sexy Challenges: Sacred and Sensual Experiences for Lovers. They have also authored the Intimate Adventure series, Collaborate with Your Soul, Inspiring Couples In Business & In Love, and more. Passionate about Intimate Wealth™, Money Magic, Sacred & Sexy Power Animals™, and Transcendent Lovemaking ™ Rob and Janelle thrive on sharing these messages and teachings with the world.