Wednesday Jul 22, 2015
The Scribe
Wednesday Jul 22, 2015
Wednesday Jul 22, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 22 July 2015, 1:00 PM ET
This week on 22nd July for show 14 around our kitchen table the Real Holistic Housewives will be discussing 22 the Master number and 14 the number of the Scribe. We will be venturing out into the far reaches of the cosmos to see what special influences Pluto brings for us at this mid point through the year. Plus being a scribe for the Master Thoth I will be reading some very powerful pieces of my latest written guidance to help lighten and brighten your day.
Featuring my delightful soul sisters and co presenters Josephine Tyrrell, Gill Orsman and regular guest Anita Young.
About Co Hosts Gill Orsman & Josephine Tyrrell
Gill is one of Claire’s regular guests who brings much humour and wisdom to her gatherings. Once the leading professional Flower photographer in London, working in the field of advertising, design, packaging and publishing.
Gill now pursues her calling as ‘The Holistic Photographer’ specialising in photographing the Unseen; working as a healer, counsellor, teacher and natural intuitive coach.
Josephine is another one of Claire’s fascinating guests, who brings beautiful Celtic mystic wisdom, wonder and awe to her gatherings.
She is one of Seven Sisters and the mother of Seven Sons. She is an amazing natural intuitive, Life coach, Healer, Artist and Inspirational Speaker.