
Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
The Inner Space of the Heart with Kim T Montanus
Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
Wednesday Jun 17, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 17 June 2015, 12:00 PM ET
If you could tap into the wisdom of your heart, what guidance would it have for you? Often when faced with life’s biggest challenges we shut down our heart space, but our heart is our greatest ally. Kim explains, “The mystics tell us that the inner space of the heart is unfathomably grand, beyond the scope of our minds and imagination to envision. And they urge us go within, to access this magnificent realm, assuring us that it is not the sole province of meditation masters, saints, and visionaries”. Join us for an inspiring conversation on how to journey into the inner spaces of the heart with Kim T Montanus.
About Guest Kim T Montanus
Kim T Montanus has been a seeker for nearly 60 years. Her spiritual life has been guided by visions, starting at age 4. At age 24 she received Shaktipat, spiritual awakening, from Swami Muktananda, Paramahamsa. This most exalted experience has been the guiding light of her spiritual life, and has given Kim the foundation of a most fruitful meditation practice for 39 years. In 2004 she began Inner Journeys, a shamanic inquiry practice that taps into the compassion and wisdom that beings in the spiritual realms offer to us all with profound love.
Kim is the mother of 3 (wonderful!) adult children and lives in the Boston area. For more information visit: www.kimtmontanus.com