
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
The Hilarion Connection
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Aired Sunday, 10 April 2016, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Marlene Swetlishoff back as she shares her awakening journey from light channel to expressing her I AM presence in her soul work and book series The Hilarion connection. Marlene – a Scribe, Channel, Writer, Healer, Energy Facilitator and Activator, and Proxy for Humanity – will discuss the developments which led her to becoming a Scribe for Ascended Master Hilarion and his messages for the masses during these intense times.
About the Guest Marlene Swetlishoff
Since 2008, Marlene Swetlishoff has been sharing the highly popular weekly messages from Hilarion. Hilarion is an Ascended Master who is a member of the Family of Light beyond the veil, who has chosen to stay with the planet until Earth and everyone upon the Earth is ascended into higher consciousness and a more refined way of living. These Beings of Light have been steadfastly working behind the scenes for untold ages to help raise the vibrational level of every human and the Earth. These messages from Hilarion can be found on Marlene Swetlishoff’s website (www.therainbowscribe.com). The site is visited daily by readers from more than 120 countries around the world.
Marlene Swetlishoff has been sharing Archangel Gabriel’s discourses on the qualities of love – a long term project that is being published in a book format later this year. She also offers energy sessions to those who seek to increase and strengthen their connection to their Divine Essence so they can move forward to implement their part in the Divine Plan to bring about a new Earth reality founded in peace, harmony and abundance for all. You can discover more about this work at another of Marlene Swetlishoff’s websites: www.movingintoluminosity.com
Marlene has also been a lifetime student of the arcane mysteries and has been a member of Astara, A Place of Light, a modern-dayMystery School, since 1968. Each of the Ascended Masters who founded Astara – Kuthumi, Rama and Zoser – has guided her footsteps throughout her spiritual journey. Marlene Swetlishoff receives messages from the Realms of Light through telepathic transmission. She has also recently discovered an ability to communicate with Crystal Skulls, crystalline beings and stones, and also the tree family. These beings ‘speak’ to her when she least expects it!
Bryan DeFlores, a multidimensional artist and the creative visionary who inspired the Atlantis Gallery (www.bryandeflores.com), describes Marlene Swetlishoff thus:
“Marlene is a Divine Luminary, Angelic Ambassador and Messenger of Hope whose work is divinely designed to awaken, uplift and shift the consciousness of humanity into the new age of Light. More specifically, her primary task is to open the multi-dimensional chambers within the hearts of many people, allowing them to feel the divine presence of Spirit within their body, mind and soul.
As an Angelic writer and researcher, Marlene brings forth many channeled messages from the higher dimensions of Light, AngelicKingdoms and Ascended Master realms to awaken and inspire humanity.
As a Messenger of Hope and Divine Luminary, Marlene brings her unique healing gifts of divine love and inspired interpretation to the masses in many ways. Marlene’s focus is on heart awakening and spiritual activation of humanity and helping others to find their divine purpose as a soul. Her work assists one to feel divine love and to experience the presence and touch of the Angels and Masters in their everyday life. Her offerings both rekindle faith in Spirit and bring a new sense of peace, support and empowerment to all those who cross her path.”
Further information about Marlene Swetlishoff: