Monday Nov 06, 2023
The Challenge of Compassion with John E. Welshons
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Air Date - 06 November 2023
How do we maintain compassion in a time of turmoil? Ramananda John E. Welshons joins Kathy to discuss this question and explore navigational possibilities.
John E. Welshons (“Ramananda”) is a highly respected contemporary spiritual teacher who lectures and leads meditation courses throughout North America. He has been a practitioner of vipassana (mindfulness) meditation and various forms of yoga for more than fifty years. In addition to his latest book, One Soul, One Love, One Heart: The Sacred Path to Healing All Relationships, he is also the author of Awakening from Grief: Finding the Way Back to Joy and When Prayers Aren’t Answered, two books that emerged from forty-five years of experience helping people deal with dramatic life change and loss.
Ramananda has studied world religions throughout his life. His teachings weave together the mystical and contemplative aspects of the world’s great spiritual traditions. He is a beloved meditation teacher, and one of our most respected authorities on how to use life’s inevitable difficulties as the steps on our own path of spiritual awakening.
His site: https://onesoulonelove.com/
#JohnEWelshons #CelestialCompass #Astrology #KathyBiehl
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