Monday Oct 26, 2015
The Bridge to the Law – Suzanne Natbony
Monday Oct 26, 2015
Monday Oct 26, 2015
Aired Monday, 26 October 2015, 9:00 PM ET
Suzanne Natbony is an author, speaker, entrepreneur and one of the smartest and savviest women in today’s world of business and profound solutions and answers. Join us on “Passionate Live” this Monday night at 6PM Pacific Time and 9PM Eastern Time for an eye opening show and learn how “You” can find the answers that you’re looking for.
About the Guest Suzanne Natbony
Suzanne has earned an excellent reputation as a trusted business advisor and respected counsel in legal and corporate matters. Clients frequently ask for her expertise and insight on strategic business planning, management, corporate strategy and governance, product development, and market research, as well as legal advice regarding tax planning and other matters.
Unlike most attorneys who have only had prior law firm experience, often missing the essence of each business they represent, Suzanne is a founder and executive of a very innovative company in today’s world. She has designed and developed important insights in managing business issues from the inside out as well as from the outside in.
Her unique story and pathway to the law will entrance you and teach you how to find the right counsel for almost any need or issue in your life.