
Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
The Blessing Of Sorrow with Rabbi Ben Kamin
Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 18 July 2018, 3:00 PM ET
The Blessing Of Sorrow with Rabbi Ben Kamin
Join us this “Wisdom Wednesday” as we welcome award-winning author Rabbi Ben Kamin and discuss his new book The Blessing of Sorrow: How to Turn Grief Into Healing.
All 7 billion of us share the inevitability of death. But as Rabbi Ben Kamin argues in his thoughtful and compassionate new book, THE BLESSING OF SORROW: HOW TO TURN GRIEF INTO HEALING, Americans are uniquely bad at the mourning process, and those deficiencies have real-life consequences. Through anecdote and personal experience, Rabbi Kamin shows why the active process of grieving is necessary to moving on, and why Americans, with their obsession with beauty and youth, and their reticence to show emotion, have so much trouble when confronting the stark realities of death.
When someone dies, we use platitudes, “he’s in a better place”; “They had a good run.” We show up to the funeral, make a shiva call, and then go home. Sometimes, we turn mourning periods into “celebrations of life” to make the day a little less somber. But, what happens to them when everyone goes back to their routine and they are left with the void? In BLESSING OF SORROW, Kamin shows how we can better support those who are grieving and how we can better grieve ourselves. He shows how we can be good neighbors, relatives, and friends to those in mourning, and he suggests practical ways to honor a loved one’s memory and how to begin to heal.
Rabbi Ben Kamin holds a Doctor of Divinity degree from Hebrew Union College and is a clergyman, teacher, counselor, and the award-winning author of eleven books on human values, civil rights, and spirituality. He has a national platform as a scholar on the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and has led congregations in Toronto, New York, Cleveland, San Diego, and Laguna Woods, California. Since his ordination in 1978, Kamin has published hundreds of articles about community life in newspapers around the world, ranging from the New York Times to the International Herald-Tribune. He appears frequently on radio and television and serves on several national boards dealing with community affairs and multicultural relations.
Email: ben@benkamin.com
Website: www.benkamin.com / spiritbehindthenews.com
OM TIMES CALL-IN LINES: 202-570-7057
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