
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
The Archangel Guide to Ascension
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Aired Sunday, 7 June 2015, 2:00 PM ET
In this week’s show, Grandmother Allayah talks with the extraordinary writer and Spiritual Master Teacher Diana Cooper. Together they will explore all the dimensions of Being; Spiritual evolution and the Angelic participation on Human Ascension process.
The spiritual law is ‘ask and you shall receive’. Diana will talk about how your angel is always listening and if you ask for help (and it is for the highest good) he will assist you. Angels must wait until you ask because you have free will.
Your angels will help you to be safe, to find a parking space, to reach your destination at the correct time, to find something, to heal a relationship and many other things.
The incredible contribution and work of Archangel Raphael will be revealed as He is in charge of the third eye chakra of individuals and the world. Since 2012 Diana Has been sharing information about the twelve planetary chakras including the third eye which is Afghanistan. It needs much healing. As we all heal our own third eye chakras with the help of Archangel Raphael, this will automatically help the planetary one.
He is the healing angel and the angel of abundance.
About Guest Diana Cooper
Diana Cooper received an angel visitation during a time of personal crisis, which changed her life. Author of 22 adult books and 5 children’s books in 27 languages, she has inspired thousands of people to fulfil their spiritual potential. Through her guides and angels she enables people to access their spiritual gifts and also connects them to their own angels, guides, Masters and unicorns. She is well known for her books on angels, ascension, Orbs, unicorns and the new Golden Age. Now she has written Venus, A Diary of a Puppy and her Angel to help people communicate with animals and The Archangel Guide to Ascension to help you access the new high frequency energies that are now available to us.
Diana is the founder of The Diana Cooper Foundation, a not for profit organization which offers certificated spiritual teaching courses throughout the world on Transform your Life, Atlantis, Angels, Unicorns, Orbs and other subjects.