
Wednesday Sep 09, 2015
The Age of Woman is Here – Renée Starr
Wednesday Sep 09, 2015
Wednesday Sep 09, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 9 September 2015, 3:00 PM ET
“You may not know yourself as a goddess; your feminine energy is out of balance and your divine essence has yet to awaken. But the time has come, right now, for you to know that being a woman is special, sacred, and divine. Every woman deserves to know herself in this way. You Are Woman, You Are Divine is a guide to help you reclaim all the beauty, grace, and strength that being female is. Return to your ancient roots, learn the timeless wisdom of your mythic history, and discover how you are the embodiment of the highest feminine Essence of the world—The Divine Feminine. Understand why over many centuries, a woman’s relationship with Her has become increasingly lost to us, and why now is the right time to bring Her back into your life.”
The modern world has little space dedicated to The Goddess or The Divine Feminine. Gone are Her temples, Her priestesses, and the daily devotion that we once had for Her. It is time now to remember Her long lost ways, and like the mighty Isis, lovingly re-member ourselves, piece by piece back into wholeness – inner goddess and all. What has not disappeared from the world today are the phases of the moon calling forth our blood, the rise and fall of the tides, and the wind blowing through a grove of trees. What remains here now are our beautiful and assorted bodies. Our soft womanly forms wish only to be loved. The deeply hidden space of our wombs – which carry the life spark of the world’s soul within – are gifts from Her to us. What has not been erased, forgotten nor left behind is the ever rising desire and the ache of longing that is within a woman’s heart – to be free, female, woman . . . and a goddess.
MORE INFORMATION ON THE BOOK: http://www.backtothegoddess.com/ or info@BackToTheGoddess.com