Monday Jul 05, 2021
Talking About the Moon with Andrew Ifandis
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Talking About the Moon with Andrew Ifandis
Air Date: Monday, 5 July 2021 at 5:00 PM ET/2:00 PM PT
The Moon! Her ever-changing shape captivates us in the sky – and influences our personalities and lives down here on earth. Andrew Ifandis joins Kathy for a wide-ranging discussion of the Moon and her impact, just in time for the New Moon in her home sign of Cancer.
Kathy also gives a brief forecast for the month of July. There you’ll actually experience the night sky, in the ways humans did before astrology charts were even invence you remove the filters, you’ll connect with planets and stars in magical — and very personal — ways.
Andrew Ifandis is a certified astrologer and author, based in Athens and travelling the Cosmos of Astrology. He approaches the horoscope as a portrait of a person’s inherent potential. His readings reveal the natal chart’s vibrant dynamics and can constructively help towards awareness, self-realization and externalization of the creative within oneself.
When forecasting, he uses a mix of astrological prediction techniques and creates a meaningful narrative on the emphasis that the planetary cycles have in different areas of your life. Andrew’s articles and astrological analysis have been published in the Astrological Journal and at www.astro.com.
He regularly contributes his articles in renowned astrological publications and web sites. Andrew has two Certificates in Astrology (With Distinction), from the esteemed Kepler College of Astrological Studies in Washington, and is a member of OPA.
Website: https://cosmosofastrology.com/
Facebook: http:s//www.facebook.com/AndrewIfandis/
Visit the Celestial Compass Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/celestial-compass/
Connect with Kathy Biehl on her website https://empowermentunlimited.net/
#AndrewIfandis #Moon #CelestialCompass #Astrology #KathyBiehl