
Sunday May 17, 2015
Spiritual Community – Terri Sings With Ravens
Sunday May 17, 2015
Sunday May 17, 2015
Aired Sunday, 17 May 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Terri Sings With Ravens Rivera, a healer and singer from a long line of curanderas – female healers. They will be joined by Thomas Johnson Thunder Rock, a rock and fossil expert. On today’s show, they will discuss a recent event held at a mysterious Serpent Mound [http://goo.gl/bLjxjZ] [http://www.serpentmound.org/SeedFestival2015.html]. Why was this event – the Spring Seed and Water Peace Summit – held at the Serpent Mound? How were they able to convene such an event (free to the public) through love offerings only? How did Soaring Eagle Retreat play a role?
As well as discussing this recent event, Allayah – with Terri and Tom – will explore the purpose of The Alternate Universe Center of the Learning Center/Rock Shop in Ohio [http://goo.gl/pyTsNg]. Terri Sings With Ravens will also explain her vision of bringing indigenous elders, chiefs, and teachers to Serpent Mound, and the hopes of building a spiritual community which will honor the land. Finally, they will outline what future events will lend to this ongoing quest.
About Guest Terri Sings With Ravens Rivera
Terri Sings With Ravens Rivera’s ancestral heritage is O’otham (Pima), Aztec, Chilean, and Irish. She comes from a long line of curanderas — female healers — on her father’s side. Her maternal great-grandfather was an Irish/Chilean healer who came to the United States from Chile. He called himself a dentist, but did much healing and curing. At the age of five, Terri Sings With Ravens had a vision of the Lady of Guadalupe. It was this experience that inspired the song ‘My Lady Sings (Grandmother Aurelia’s song)’ from the album Blue Moon. As a singer/songwriter, Terri Sings With Ravens was nominated for a Native American Music Award and came in runner-up in the John Lennon song writing contest.
Terri Sings With Ravens collaborates with other healers to hold spiritual retreats at the Serpent Mound, a site in Southern Ohio. She and her husband Tom (Johnson) own Alternate Universe Learning Center/Rock Shop. (House of Phacops) just three miles from the Serpent Mound State Park and on the southeastern edge of a five-mile wide impact crater. The shop is also sitting on top of a 17.5 km long fault line that is miles deep and is emitting a constant flow of positive energy. Terri has presented at workshops throughout the U.S. and Mexico and has worked with healers from around the world to hold spiritual retreats in various global locations.
The music of Terri Sings With Ravens Rivera can be found at:
Terri’s husband, Thomas Johnson Thunder Rock (Tom), is a rock man from Michigan and has been collecting rocks since he was four years old. Through the 1960s and 70s, he collected a lot around Sylvania, Ohio, in a 350 million year old seabed ninety feet under ground – until the MSHA and OSHA branches of government stopped his activity in 1979 [Mine Safety and Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration]. Tom then moved to southern Ohio and began collecting from an even older seabed of 438 million years. After many trips around the world to collect and study fossils dating back to 2.7 billion years, in 1984 Thomas Johnson Thunder Rock was recognized for his achievements by the Smithsonian Institution and the National Geographic Society. He has written three books and for many years has lectured on the subject of trilobites and meteor craters. Later this summer, Tom’s recent work on the Serpent Mound and adjoining meteor crater will air on the Ancient Aliens segment of television’s History channel. He has previously appeared on Ancient Aliens and the Old West along with Chief Golden Light Eagle/Standing Elk.