
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Sakura Sutter - The Journey of Past Lives & Reincarnation
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Sakura Sutter – The Journey of Past Lives & Reincarnation
Aired Wednesday, February 10, 2021, at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST
Join ‘ILR’ Host Marc Lainhart this “Wisdom Wednesday” LIVE with a special guest to the show, Sakura Sutter for the fascinating topics and many questions of Past Lives and Reincarnation! Do we believe in reincarnation not only from this planet but from others as well? Do we believe we have reincarnated from another world or are we here just once and by chance? What makes us believe or not believe in a life after this one? READY TO GO “PROSPECTING?”
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Sakura Sutter is a master esthetician, spiritual hypnotherapist & coach, intuitive medium and radio host of “Love From The Hyp.” She has been working in the cosmetic industry for 18 years. She left the larger spas to open up her own hybrid practice to care for clients in the way she believed they needed to be cared for. In her own practice, Sakura incorporates skin, mind and energy modalities to help her clients address the big picture. By assisting them with overcoming trauma patterns and phobias, releasing emotional blockages, and even connecting with lost loved ones, Sakura, helps people to love what’s on the inside so that they can love what’s on the outside, or their skin.
A few years ago, Sakura was on the brink of death with a rare autoimmune disorder, which forced her into healing herself, especially the part of her she didn’t understand and had suppressed for so long for fear of being different. Sakura had to learn to love herself again.After successfully healing, she started her radio show, “Love From The Hyp” in hopes of not only sharing her own personal story to lend support to others suffering from any physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual ailment, but also to provide a place where people could go who felt alone. She strives to gather resources, research, and recommendations that others may resonate with and bring into their own healing journey. Sakura has made it her mission in life to help others to heal and love themselves again.
Connect with Sakura at https://www.sakurasutter.com/ and https://soundcloud.com/1150kknw/sets/love-from-the-hyp
Visit the Inspired Living show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio/
Connect with Marc Lainhart at http://www.marclainhart.com/
#SakuraSutter #PastLives #Reincarnation #InspiredLiving #MarcLainhart