Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Revelations of The Aquarian Age with Barbara Hand Clow, Part 2
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Revelations of The Aquarian Age – Secret Societies, Sacred Sexuality, 4th Dimensional Consciousness and more with Barbara Hand Clow, Part 2
Livestreaming Thursday, 3 August 2023 at 9:00 AM PST/12:00 PM EST on OMTimes Magazine Facebook, OMTimes Radio & TV Facebook, OMTimesTV Youtube and the Sandie Sedgbeer Facebook Page
As humanity continues to reel from the twin effects of the mind-bending chaos of a world undergoing a massive transition and the flood of advanced spiritual knowledge that is moving us into unity with the divine mind, famed astrologer and bestselling author Barbara Hand Clow returns to share more of the ancient teachings, astrological wisdom, and esoteric secrets purposefully entwined in her fact-ional series of books The Revelations Trilogy. In this episode, Barbara and Sandie discuss secret societies, the hidden secrets of crystals, holy relics, sacred sexuality, art, the Catholic Church, Off-planet interference, 4th dimensional consciousness, and more esoteric teachings on Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
BARBARA HAND CLOW is the best-selling author of numerous non-fiction titles including The Pleiadian Agenda, Alchemy of the Nine Dimensions, Awakening the Planetary Mind, Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini, and The Mayan Code.
Connect with Barbara at https://handclow2012.com/
#BarbaraHandClow #MeaningfulCoincidences #SandieSedgbeer #WhatIsGoingOM
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