
Thursday May 23, 2019
Rabbi Laurence Rosenthal - Anti-Semitism: Is it truly on the rise?
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
Rabbi Laurence Rosenthal – Anti-Semitism: Is it truly on the rise?
Aired Thursday, 23 May 2019, 3:00 PM EST / 12:00 PM PST
With the escalation of mass shootings, the gun debate ensues. Yet lately we’ve learned of shootings at synagogues, increasing the speculation that Anti-Semitism is on the rise. Join Jennifer as she speaks with Rabbi Rosenthal about his views on Anti-Semitism, its history and implications for us all today and in the future.
Guest Bio:
Rabbi Laurence Rosenthal grew up in Los Angeles. As the youngest of three children and the son of physicians, Laurence learned the importance of education from the example set by his older siblings and parents. He graduated from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles with a degree in Psychology and spent the next few years working as a research coordinator studying the effects of the narcotic, Methamphetamine, on the human brain. After several years, Laurence decided to leave clinical research to serve the Jewish community, eventually earning a Masters of Arts degree in Rabbinic Studies and Rabbinic ordination from the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the American Jewish University in May 2008.
Since joining Ahavath Achim Synagogue in Atlanta, Laurence has played a significant role in the rejuvenation and strengthening of the synagogue and greater Atlanta Jewish community. He has been active member of leadership in many organization from the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, The Atlanta Jewish Music Festival and the American Jewish Committee. He currently serves as president of the Atlanta Rabbinical Association, which aims to support and give voice to the Metro Atlanta community of Rabbis. He also is a member of the clergy advisory council for GIPL – Georgia Interfaith Power and Light, a interfaith-based environmental organization and on the advisory councils of the Jewish Home Life Communities and the M’silot program at the Atlanta Jewish Academy. In July of 2019, he will assume the responsibility of senior rabbi of Ahavath Achim synagogue. An avid tennis, yoga and guitar player, Laurence’s greatest accomplishment is to be married to his wife, Brooke, and to be father to four children – Avram Eli (A.E.), Ariela, Ma’ayan and Naftali.
Website: www.aasynagogue.org