
Wednesday Sep 21, 2016
Past Life Regression with Wendy Williams
Wednesday Sep 21, 2016
Wednesday Sep 21, 2016
Aired Wednesday, 21 September 2016, 3:00 PM ET
Want to know if past lives really exist? What about life in between lives? Tune in tomorrow and call with your questions!
CALL-IN with your questions live!: 202-570-7057
Wendy Rose Williams is a Seattle area Past-Life Regressionist, author, and speaker. She is a Reiki healer, Ordained Minister, and channel for Mary Magdalen.
Wendy’s first short story “A Tiny Bow and Arrow” was published in the “Best of Spiritual Writer’s Network 2014.” She recently recorded her first audio book, “The Shaman and the Goddess,” and is poised to publish her first non-fiction book, “Regression Healing: The Huntsman, the Lord High Mayor and the WW II Soldier.” The book was inspired by an actual client session.
Wendy is also co-authoring a universal life force healing book with the renowned Mystic Robin Alexis, host of the popular weekly “Mystic Radio with Robin Alexis” healing program. Wendy and Robin will begin co-teaching this information as an 8-week teleconference course beginning in early 2017.
CONTACT: Wendy Williams
Email: WendyRWilliams@hotmail.com
Phone: 425.502.0362
Wendy Rose Williams”