
Friday Feb 06, 2015
Owning Your Powerful Sexuality to Manifest Money
Friday Feb 06, 2015
Friday Feb 06, 2015
Aired Thursday, 5 February 2015, 4:00 PM ET
As woman we are biologically driven to create. Unfortunately most women are energetically disconnected from their creative force, their sexuality today. How can we utilise this powerful life force/sexual energy to create financial abundance in our life? How can we as woman feel sensual, alive and juicy and be a feminine leader in our field of expertise?
About Guest Diana Bonwick
Diana Bonwick is the creator of Woman, Sexuality & Financial Abundance. She supports conscious women in business to create abundance in a uniquely feminine way. She does this by helping them to align their business to their personal energetic flow as woman.
“We desperately need enlightened women entrepreneurs to shine their light in the world to today. However to support the finely tuned body system of a women we need to do it our way. This has become the passion of my life, to offer a way for women to be highly productive and financially successful and feel alive, sensual and juicy whilst enjoying their role as a feminine leader in their field of expertise.” – Diana Bonwick
Website: http://dianabonwick.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dianabonwick