Monday Dec 04, 2023
Moon Magic with Lorraine Henrich
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Air Date - 04 December 2023
Learn how to work with the energies of the Moon to create a mirror in your life that will strengthen your astral body and create evolution and change within and without. Also discover how deeply connected the Moon is connected to matriarchal energy and how we can use that energy to restore balance on planet Earth.
Lorraine Henrich is dedicated to restoring world peace and spiritual community through sacred ceremony and Magickal Arts. Since the age of 3, she has been consciously connected to the world of spirit through dreamtime, astral travel and visions. Lorraine has been initiated as a Celtic shaman, Wiccan High Priestess, ceremonial master and Magus Hermeticus, and has shared goddess teachings and sacred ceremony throughout the United States and all over the world including Brazil, South Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, Canada, Japan, and Israel. She offers teachings about a vast variety of topics including Oracle training, goddess archetypes, Shamanism, esotericism and the Tree of Life. She is the founder of the Lilith Circle of Light, an open circle for sacred ceremony and training in elemental mastery.
Lorraine’s website: https://www.lilithcircleoflight.com/
Instagram: @lunarqueene
#MoonMagic #LorraineHenrich #CelestialCompass #Astrology #KathyBiehl
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