
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Miracle, Luck or Highest Aligned? - Kimberly Thalken
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Miracle, Luck or Highest Aligned? - Kimberly Thalken
Aired Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST
Join me this “Wisdom Wednesday” on INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as your solo host and guest today.
TOPIC: Miracle, Luck or Highest Aligned? What does highest aligned mean? Do you understand your part in creation? How we perceive our experiences affects how we move through life either from an empowered or disempowered place. What is your perspective?
CALL IN LIVE 202-570-7057 with questions on the topic or a mini life guidance reading.
Kimberly Thalken is a tested and certified Psychic-Medium and Channel, approved as an official Psychic reader for events at the Edgar Cayce Association for Research and Enlightenment, Master-Instructor in Energy Healing, Hypnotherapist, Author, Radio Show Co-Host on “Inspired Living with Marc and Kim” and the founder of Love First®. Where Life Transformations Happen in Encino, CA.
Kimberly’s work focuses on elevating consciousness–connecting her clients to their own inner wisdom and power so that they bring forth the highest aligned realities and optimize their full potential of all they came here to be.
CONTACT: www.lovefirst.info