Friday Feb 13, 2015
Meditation Minis with Chel Hamilton
Friday Feb 13, 2015
Friday Feb 13, 2015
Meditation Minis for the busy you with Chel Hamilton
Airing Wednesday, 11 February 2015, 9:00 PM ET
Living a SEAMLESS life doesn’t mean forgetting about the real world. The one that’s filled with work, responsibilities, busy schedules, families and stress. Living a SEAMLESS life is about changing your daily routine in order to do all those things more effectively while lowering stress, improving health and getting back to peace. Tonight we take a step with Meditation. It really can fit into your daily life without sacrificing something else and we will do one tonight.
About Guest Chel Hamilton
Chel Hamilton is a full-time hypnotherapist helping people overcome anxiety, insomnia, and patterns of negative thinking via Skype and phone. She’s also the host the Meditation Minis weekly podcast (free on iTunes). To find out more about Chel Hamilton, visit http://ChelHamilton.com or subscribe to the Meditation Minis podcast on iTunes today.