Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Live with Lisa Phoenix – Mavis Pittilla
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Aired Sunday, 27 December 2015, 1:00 PM ET
I am really looking forward to sitting down with Medium Mavis Pittilla as we chat about Festival, her tutelage under Medium Gordon Higginson and her love and devotion to Spirit. Join us as Mavis shares her wisdom and stories about our loved ones on the other side and how they love to share in all your celebrations during this joyous festive holiday season! As a young Medium, Mavis was taken under the wing of Gordon Higginson, the most knowledgeable and inspirational medium of the 20th Century. She has been a medium for over 30 years and has experienced amazing facets of spiritual reality.
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