
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Learn How To Use Crystals
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 23 May 2018, 3:00 PM ET
Learn How To Use Crystals
INTERNET RADIO – Join us this “WISDOM WEDNESDAY” at 12pm PST / 1PM MT / 2pm CST/ 3pm EST on INSPIRED LIVING RADIO with guests and crystal experts Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro.
TOPIC: Book: Crystal Muse, Everyday Rituals to Tune Into The Real You.
Listen live: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/energymuse/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/energymuse
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Website: www.energymuse.com
Link to purchase book: https://www.amazon.com/Crystal-Muse-Everyday-Rituals-Tune/dp/1401952380
Crystal Muse, Everyday Rituals to Tune into the Real You explores how you can help transform life’s challenges into opportunities for growth equipped with the right crystals and mindset. Throughout Crystal Muse, Heather and Timmi share their personal stories on the path toward alternative practice, and explain how these remedies can work for the reader’s life.
Energy Muse co-founders, Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro are not only business partners, but have known each other since the age of six. In 2000, the two founded Energy Muse with the mission to educate and reconnect the world to the ancient wisdom and healing properties of crystals. It has since become an industry leader in wearable energies, providing tools of empowerment, inspiration, and hope in the tangible form of jewelry and crystals.
Co-founder, Heather Askinosie is a leading influencer on the power of crystals, Feng Shui, and holistic healing. For over 28 years, she has had the privilege of studying with the best healers from all over the world, who have passed down ancient teachings on how to utilize energy technology. Heather did not always start out on the spiritual path, however.
After graduating from Arizona State University with a BA in Communications and Business, Heather worked in real estate, selling high-end homes in Manhattan Beach. Although she was making a lot of money, she was not happy and fulfilled. When a client asked Heather for a home with good Feng Shui, she researched it, originally just to make a sale, but it ended up introducing her to the world of energies. Heather is a skeptic at heart and believes in producing results, which lead to her years of studying and research that backs Energy Muse today.
Co-founder, Timmi Jandro, uses her 12 years of sales experience in the garment industry to focus on the growth and development side of Energy Muse. She graduated from University of Southern California with a BA in Business and worked selling to big box retailers such as Walmart, JC Penney’s, and more. Timmi was burnt out and not feeling like herself when Heather introduced her to crystals, and she began working on the business side of Energy Muse. It wasn’t until a few years ago when a family crisis caused the crystals to really come alive for Timmi in a deeper way and heal her.
Together, Heather and Timmi’s unique combination of business and energy healing backgrounds creates the perfect balance for providing expertise to their clientele.