
Sunday Aug 30, 2015
Kindness in Action
Sunday Aug 30, 2015
Sunday Aug 30, 2015
Aired Sunday, 30 August 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah introduces you to a emerging trailblazer. One who chooses to act on his spiritual feelings and go out into the world and reach out to others in way he can. Josh, purely leads by example, humble in heart and shines his light brightly.
About Guest Josh Crowder
My name is Josh Crowder. I believe that together WE are enough. We can change the world. Every time we choose to show kindness… every time we choose to love… we are changing the world for ourselves and others. I am attempting moment by moment to be the change I desire to see in our world. I fear that if I do not change my world – if I do not act – change will not come.
There are so many problems in the world. I am human just like you, and I have hurt and been hurt. I have chosen selfishness and greed and been affected by others who have done the same. I have watched pain and unkindness damage individuals and groups and nations and the world.
What is the solution to these problems? How can we make things better? Today I choose to be a solution – to construct kindness and create love. Kindness is simple. In a world that seems to be full of the complex and unprovable, why not be simply kind all of the time? Why not flip the script everywhere in an attempt to flip the script of the future of our world. With kindness you need nothing but you. Together, WE are enough.
For some examples of the tidal wave of change we have been generating through kindness, and that we need your help to continue, see these pages on facebook:
I serve humanity with kindness. I project and create change because I change. I am rationality. I am kindness. I am collaboration because I am balance. Love in action for another which is kindness projecting love in action back toward myself which is kindness. In Motion. We all can be this if we are continuously changing ourselves through self-discipline and creating new experiences each day giving something more of ourselves to another. This is how we become the new paradigm. We transcend hatred by taking it upon ourselves and returning it with kindness. I am a paradigm of peace. You can learn about me if you read through my stories/videos of kindness in action. Search under You are Amazing and So am I on both YouTube and Facebook if you want to learn more. I know who I AM. I AM here to show each and every human being how amazing they are.