
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Kim Semetis - Divine Warrior Goddess
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Kim Semetis – Divine Warrior Goddess
Aired Wednesday, 22 May 2019, 3:00 PM ET
Join us for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as we welcome to the show for the first time, author, Kim Semetis.
INSPIRED LIVING – LIVE INTERNET RADIO: Link to show: https://lnkd.in/eBpHBiR 12PM PST / 1PM MT / 2PM CST / 3pm EST
OM TIMES RADIO: 1-202-570-7057
Kim is a WayShower, GridKeeper, Gatekeeper, Ascended Master of the NEW EARTH. She has studied, practiced and taught spirituality/metaphysics for twenty years and served as a co-founder and ordained minister of a spiritual church for many years. She has dedicated her life to service of all of humanity. Kim no longer “channels” as she once did as we integrate all of our aspects, we merge those aspects within as all of the universe is held within. She offers private sessions by phone, Facebook Messenger and Zoom. Dubbed as the Divine Warrior Goddess by her guides in 2016 because she intuitively gets to the heart of the matter not only in herself but with her clients to get in there and identify the root cause of their pain and suffering (programs yet to be released) so that this energy can be faced, healed and then finally released once and for all. This will also in turn, heal issues from past-lives (there is no separation of time, yet we use these words here) as well and will affect all timelines of the individual in a very positive and profound way. She takes much joy and delight to see her clients on their journey return to wholeness as they ignite their self mastery. Kim also teaches/guides online courses to assist her clients to move forward on their souls journey in this human incarnation as she guides and assists them in too many ways to list here.
Merging it all Together – Kim blends all of her experience and qualifications to assist/teach/share in sessions, writings, videos and products. Her background in the medical field combined with mediumship and energy mastery assists her in understanding the physical vessel and describe/write about ascension for others understanding. She also shares regular energy updates on her Facebook page (Kim Semetis).
Open Mind and Open Heart – Always learning, through courses and through the unified field of consciousness that constantly flows through her, Kim lives with an open heart and open mind at all times.
Website: https://divinewarriorgoddess.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kim.semetis / https://www.facebook.com/DivineWarriorGoddess/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/divinewarriorgoddesskim/
YouTube: YouTube: Divine Warrior Goddess