Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Julie Tuton - Tools to bring the Spark back to Your Relationship
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Julie Tuton – Tools to bring the Spark back to Your Relationship
Aired Thursday, 4 April 2019, 5:00 PM EST / 2:00 PM PST
Sometimes as time goes on, things get routine, even boring in our relationships. we may be living together, but take each other for granted, or even lead separate lives.
Has your life or relationship gotten predictable?
Let’s explore tools to help you create the sparks of possibilities that bring joy, fun, and excitement to your life.
Submit your show ideas and find a free Create Your Life Exercise at: www.meetkathywilliams.com
About the Guest: Julie Tuton
Julie Tuton has an East Coast edge, softened by over 29 years of living in the San Francisco Bay Area. Julie is the author of Beauty in the Breakup, and has been an Access Consciousness Facilitator for over a decade. She has a razor sharp awareness that allows her to cut through to the core of your issues with the kindness and caring.