
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
Journey of an Awakened One
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
Aired Sunday, 8 November 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah has the pleasure to bring back Judy Cali. You first met Judy when she discussed Dianne Robbins, on Telos, books on a previous show. Judy is a exceptional intuitive who comes from the heart. This show she will speak of her personal journey and work. Also she will freely bring thru higher vibrational beings, who will share messages with us.
About the Guest Judy Cali
Judy was born in 1946, in Los Angeles, California, City of Angels, at Queen of Angels Hospital & has been experiencing Angels ever since.
At 3 years old, she was one of the 1st children to have Open Heart surgery & had her first near death experience. Judy talked with Ascended Master Jesus & he showed her a new baby brother to be born in 6 months with club feet. Judy decided to return to her body. She started experiencing healing energy in her hands & was guided to put her hand on people’s hearts and send love.
At 7 years old, she met Dr. Ernest Holmes, founder of Church of Religious Science at a Theater in Reseda, Ca. He was speaking about talking to a fly and she saw a glow around his head & knew that this was a special man. He talked about sharing space in a respectful manner with the fly. He explained that the same Divine Intelligence that was in us was also in the fly. Judy knew this to be true. Her family joined the church & she learned about meditation, positive thinking, energy & intention of the heart. Judy also had a passion to understand The Other Side & started reading books on Mysticism. Jesus came again & told her she would be teaching children all over the world in the future.
At 8 years old, she started teaching about God, “you are what you think” & deep breathing to children in Sunday School. Judy realized her passion & mission was to assist others to remember their own magnificence and truth. She felt God was her best friend and she shared that feeling with other children.
At 10 years old, she had a profound experience. She woke up at 3:00am & there were 7 Holy Men, in her bedroom all around her bed. Some were wearing robes and some turbans & diapers, as she described it to her Mother. The men were chanting & talking to her. It wasn’t until she went to a Paramahansa Yogananda Temple in Florida in 2004 & saw 6 photo’s of Masters on the Temple Wall, that she had a knowing who those Masters were, The Council of Sages.
In her 20’s, she read 5 books called “The Life and Teachings of The Masters of the Far East.” Many Ascended Masters made themselves known to her. She also went to see her 1st Psychic, Kenny Kingston, in North Hollywood, Ca. In her 30’s, Judy read about Sai Baba of India & experienced Verbuti, a healing ash that he exudes from his body. Also she was deeply drawn to Dolphin & Whale energy & included them in her prayer work. She was reading about the Divine Mysteries of life & about channeling thru a magazine called Connecting Link. It opened a whole new world of info about all the subjects Judy was passionate about. She became a Youth Advisor to18 teens in a group called “Illusions” for 5 years thru the Church of Religious Science in Lancaster, Ca. Working with teenagers increased her communication skills regarding spirituality. In Sedona, Az at a Psychic Workshop with Dick Sutphen, she went to Bell Canyon & saw Dolphins leaping & swimming around her. A hearts desire to swim with wild Dolphins began & continues. The Dolphin/ Whale sacred mission, for Planet Earth became clear to her & they showed Judy that encoded in her heart is a Rainbow of all healing colors from both sides of the veil. One day on TV she heard Terry Cole-Whittaker say that “When everything in your life starts falling apart, let it”. It means you are being reborn anew.
Little did she know ….
In her 40’s, Judy continued meditating for several hours a day. Her personal understanding of how life works continued to make itself clear. She was thrilled when the New Children started to gain attention. She knew this was what Jesus had told her about in her youth. She continued reading voraciously.
In her 50’s, everything did fall apart. She left a 20 year marriage, 2 businesses, her home & was flat on her back for 6 months. She had 2 surgeries & healed. Judy was guided to volunteer at Childrens Hospital in LA, Ca. and there were healings on children she assisted, known only between her & God. She then moved from the West to the East Coast with no car, no money (only credit cards) & no job. She sent 13 cartons & 11 were books, what else! She started all over again. The beauty of this was revealed soon. Judy also became a Hospice Volunteer & used her healing gifts to assist people in their transition. Ascended Master Hilarion, The Master of Healing, came to Judy and explained she was to go public with her Intuitive & Healing gifts within a few years. She honored the clarion call & what a wild adventure it has been. Mother Mary has been guiding all of her moves & she told Judy, your life reflects trust. Judy moved 3 times 3 states in 1 year. In 2005 she was invited to do a channeling at The United Nations Building in NYC for The Wesak Festival. In Florida, she was hired by NBC as a Psychic for a TV Sci-Fi program, still being shown today, on Atlantis & the Bermuda Triangle. Her gifts definitely became public. Judy also got involved with dog rescue work & that intention continues today.
All her life she has had a passion to understand Heaven & Spiritual Wisdom & to share it with everyone. To date she has had 4 near death experiences. She believes all is encoded within our hearts at birth, and our job is to WAKE UP, REMEMBER, WHO WE ARE as ONE FAMILY & that we are everything.
Lemurian High Priest of Telos, Adama of Inner Earth, asked Judy to come to Mount Shasta to help form a community called Heart to Heart. She & Karma honored the call of the mountain and their Lemurian Family & moved to Mount Shasta, Ca in July 2009. Judy absolutely loves sharing her gifts & talents of her Sacred Heart with others thru teaching, guest speaking and doing personal Intuitive Readings, Healing & Channeling work with people all over the world.