
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Jósa Goodlife - Unstoppable Creativity During Quarantine and Beyond
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Jósa Goodlife – Unstoppable Creativity During Quarantine and Beyond
Aired Thursday, April 2, 2020 at 2:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM EST
During everyday life, many of us channel our creativity in one direction— we let it flow at work, or in decorating a beautiful home, cooking, or even art. What if we could unleash those creative capacities and expand them into other areas? Where have you been stopping yourself creatively? Join Kathy & Jósa Goodlife for a fun conversation on unstoppable creativity. Let’s let the creativity flow.
Jósa’s journey has been one of deepening through many forms of challenges, from an extremely unstable childhood with many traumas, a cancer experience and the losses it caused – as being the highly sensitive person (HSP) she is… She has chosen to use those experiences and incorporate them into her healing work 1 and a forthcoming book. Magic and the joy of living are her focus points today – as well as having tons of fun through artistic creations.
Connect with Jósa Goodlife at https://www.goodlifecreation.com/
Find Kathy, upcoming classes & a free money rain meditation at http://www.meetkathywilliams.com/
Visit the Sexy Mom Abundant Life Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/sexy-mom-abundant-life
#JósaGoodlife #Quarantine #SexyMomAbundantLife #KathyWilliams