Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Is Creativity the Answer? with David Early
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Air Date - 27 December 2023
One of the most difficult purposes is committing to life as an artist. It takes tremendous courage, fortitude, and grit to allow creativity to be expressed on a path that is anything but straight or easy. Holding firmly to that dream often means going against societal and familial expectations and accepting financial struggle.
David Early is creativity embodied. He's one of those rare freelance artists who attained success without selling out or relenting by getting a "real job"! He will share how he intuitively taps into his innate purpose, never allowing his passion to die, no matter the challenges.
David will discuss the importance of art and creativity in a world that desperately needs beauty, positivity, and unbridled self-expression. He trusts his strong inner forces that lead him to manifest imagery that resonates with viewers all over the world. Most importantly, David's concurrent purpose is to awaken creativity and talent in people with disabilities powerfully.
David Early knows that art offers hope and can change the world.
#DavidEarly #Creativity #RoyceMorales #PerfectLifeAwakening #Empowerment #Spirituality #Consciousness #PersonalGrowth #Transformation
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