
Wednesday Sep 14, 2016
How Awareness Can Change Your Life with Marc Lainhart
Wednesday Sep 14, 2016
Wednesday Sep 14, 2016
How Awareness Can Change Your Life with Spiritual Psychic-Medium, Marc Lainhart
Aired Wednesday, 14 September 2016, 3:00 PM ET
Marc and Kim will be taking your calls and questions, LIVE on the air for this “Wisdom Wednesday” at 12pm PST, 2pm CST, 3pm EST.
Everything in the Universe is energy and all energy exists at different levels of awareness, vibration, and frequency. In order to feel more at peace, in-touch, connected, happier, you can practice raising your awareness, vibration, and frequency to life and the world around you with Metaphysical teacher, Spiritual Psychic-Medium, Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector™
You will see the interconnectedness of all life and Spirit when you change your awareness, your breathing, your vibration, your frequency, and your thoughts. Awareness will guide you to explore and discover what is seen and what is “unseen.” You will begin to see, feel, and “know,” how you can change your life for the better, find peace and happiness within, while bringing amazing experiences and many “Soul Adventures” into your life! Marc will share some of his personal training, exercises, stories, and mentoring as you explore and discover through Body, Mind, and Spirit as a “Spiritual Prospector,” on a quest for your own “Spiritual Gold!”
Awareness from within and awareness to your environment can help you make wise and powerful choices with confidence to takes chances and experience amazing changes in your life! Let’s go “Prospecting” with Marc on a journey of self-discovery, awareness, awakening, and a new paradigm of perspectives on how you see and interact with the world around you…
“Find a sense of stillness, a beneficial balance, with which to center yourself and quiet the loudness of life.” -The Intuitive Prospector™
Spiritual Consulting & Healing – LIFE. LOSS. LOVE.