
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Finding Inner Peace Amidst a Chaotic World
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Finding Inner Peace Amidst a Chaotic World
Aired Tuesday, September 21, 2021 at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST
Dudley Evenson joins me for an enlightening discussion around finding inner peace amidst a chaotic world. Dudley is an entrepreneur, author, life coach, and musician who will share her experiences in the 40-years she has sought meaning from spiritual luminaries, gurus and healers. She will help listeners to understand how certain learning experiences can set them on a path to successfully living their dreams.
About the Guest:
Dudley Evenson is a media producer, entrepreneur, author, life coach, and musician. In 1979, Dudley co-founded (with Dean Evenson) the award-winning record label Soundings of the Planet. Dudley has co-produced over 90 popular albums, videos and books. In the ‘70s, Dudley lived and traveled (with Dean and their children) in a converted school bus videotaping the emerging consciousness. She interviewed thought leaders, Native American elders, Indian gurus, Tibetan lamas, healers, yogis, environmentalists, and innovative artists. She plays harp and zither and has shared her music and guided meditations presenting live before such luminaries as Deepak Chopra, Joan Borysenko, Larry Dossey, Don Miguel Ruiz and others.
In 2018, Dudley co-authored the book “Quieting the Monkey Mind,” which draws on 40 years of creating music for meditation and yoga. Readers will find practical tips, exercises, photos, and illustrations to support them on an empowering journey of finding inner peace in our often chaotic world.
WEBSITE: https://www.soundings.com
FACEBOOK BIZ PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/SoundingsofthePlanet
Visit the Inspired Conversations show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-conversations/
Connect with Linda Joy at https://www.linda-joy.com/
#DudleyEvenson #FindingInnerPeace #InspiredConversations #LindaJoy