
Sunday May 03, 2015
Enlightened Messengers – Two Special Guests
Sunday May 03, 2015
Sunday May 03, 2015
Aired Sunday, 3 May 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Taking advantage of the powerful spiritual energies of the Wesak full moon on May 3rd, Allayah welcomes two guests to the show for an hour of spontaneous discussion. Chief Golden Light Eagle/Standing Elk (Chief Golden Eagle, for brevity) and Grandma Chandra will share their messages about star beings, and about the new crystal children. As an indigenous elder, Chief Golden Eagle offers a unique perspective on the topic of Star People Visitors. Grandma Chandra, a multi-dimensional being, overcomes severe physical challenges to telepathically provide healing, and advice for removing obstacles to Ascension.
About Guests Chief Golden Eagle & Grandma Chandra
Chief Golden Eagle is a Yankton Sioux Chief and Star Altar Keeper (the Yankton Sioux Reservation is in South Dakota on the banks of the Missouri River), and is a member of the Dakota Ihunktowan Band. As in many indigenous communities, there has been a profound loss of sacred songs, dances and ceremonies, the language, and all the components which were formerly such a profound part of the culture. Chief Golden Eagle, via years of prayer, fasting, and ceremony, has helped to preserve aspects including interpretations of Star Law to help guide through what is called “The Age of Coyote” or “The Age of Aquarius”. As such, he calls together Star Knowledge Conferences to share this wisdom and knowledge, where elders and spiritual teachers share their special tribal knowledge about the Star People Visitors, from a Native American Perspective. According to Chief Golden Eagle, the year of 1947 saw the crashes of 18 UFOs from ten separate races of star beings; all carried identical symbols. These symbols have since been interpreted by Chief Golden Eagle and other medicine men, resulting in a new alphabet which has been found effective in communicating not only with Star Beings, but also with whales and dolphins.
Writing under the name Standing Elk, Chief Golden Light Eagle/Standing Elk has co-authored:
MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN, The Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator;
ANPAO WICAHPI WICOHAN, The Way of Morning Star;
IKTOMI WICAHPI WICOHAN, The Universal and Spiritual Laws of Universal Mother; and
CAN WAKAN WICOHAN, The Way of the Sacred Tree.
You can find many videos of Chief Golden Light Eagle/Standing Elk on the Internet; here is the link to one in which the Chief describes his dream for the earth: http://goo.gl/7kLEzl
Grandma Chandra is a unique multi-dimensional being, living in a severely physically challenged body – an experienced, creative, and trusted advisor who works telepathically to remove obstacles to the Ascension, while supporting clients with their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. From a very young age, Chandra displayed unique gifts and abilities. Visitors to Grandma Chandra have experienced tears of cleansing as blockages are released. She works not only with the clients, but also simultaneously with Angels, Benevolent Extraterrestrials, other Sentient Beings (such as dolphins and whales), and with Guides and Ascended Masters, accessing information from other dimensions and communicating this knowledge telepathically. Clients have sometimes found that Grandma visits them in their dream states before they meet in the physical realm. When performing readings, Grandma Chandra “reads” written texts through her fingertips, and recounts how the information pertains to a client. She also has complete access to the Akashic Records.
During presentations around the United States, Grandma Chandra began to open star gates, the non-physical portals through which only those beings of highest vibration might pass, to assist the planet. However, Chandra says: “If we do not ask them, they cannot come; even though we all have contracted to awaken to our codes and allow them to assist us. We must ask.”
You can read much more about Grandma Chandra and her services and products at her website:http://www.grandmachandra.com
You can connect via her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/grandmachandra
If you would like to see examples of her at work, you may do so on YouTube at:https://www.youtube.com/user/grandmachandra11