
Sunday May 15, 2016
Elders Speak: Heart to Soul Transmissions
Sunday May 15, 2016
Sunday May 15, 2016
Aired Sunday, 15 May 2016, 2:00 PM ET
Both Charlie and I continue our series of spontaneous guidance talks from Spirit called Heart to Soul. We are guided to offer this hour of light and Spirit in a very tired and worn world. Please join us and we offer seeds of love and light from our hearts to yours.
About the Guest Charlie-the riverman-Bergeron
After a life altering Death experience, Charlie returned to this incarnation very changed. He has integrated his souls higher purpose of service to all life forms on this planet. This light-filled soul of so many talents offers Soul filled seeds of wisdom thru his inspired poetry and blogs to soothe the hearts of others who are struggling emotionally in these turbulent times of planetary ascension.