
Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
Dharma Parenting, Transcendental Meditation, Ayurveda for Parenting
Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
Aired Wednesday, 3 August 2016, 3:00 PM ET
ABOUT Dr. Robert Keith Walace:
ROBERT KEITH WALLACE is a pioneering researcher on the physiology of consciousness. His research has inspired hundreds of studies on the benefits of meditation and other mind-body techniques. Dr. Wallace’s findings have been published in Science, American Journal of Physiology, and Scientific American. He received his BS in physics and his PhD in physiology from UCLA and conducted postgraduate research at Harvard University. Dr. Wallace is the founding president of Maharishi University of Management (MUM) in Fairfield, Iowa.
Parents often marvel at how differently each of their children operate: one child might learn quickly and forget quickly, while another learns slowly and forgets slowly; one kid might be hyperactive, while another is slow moving; and one may fall asleep quickly, only to awake in the night, while another takes hours to fall asleep.
In DHARMA PARENTING: Understand Your Child’s Brilliant Brain for Greater Happiness, Health, Success, and Fulfillment (A TarcherPerigee paperback; on sale August 2, 2016), renowned scientists Dr. Robert Keith Wallace and Dr. Frederick Travis explain the reasons for these differences and use their groundbreaking scientific research to help parents ascertain their child’s unique brain/body type. Drawing on the time-tested knowledge of these Ayurvedic types and combining it with the latest understanding of how the brain is shaped by natural maturation, Wallace and Travis show parents how to better understand their child’s natural inclinations and corresponding strengths and weaknesses.
Once parents determine whether their child is a creative Vata, a passionate Pitta, or a steady Kapha, they can then learn which routines to follow, meals to prepare, and discipline to pursue for each child at every stage of development. Equally important is parents’ assessment of their own Ayurvedic type, which also allows them to address their own unique needs and to better understand the dynamics of their relationships with their children.Offering a wealth of methods and insights from both scientific research and successful, real-life parenting situations, DHARMA PARENTING provides actionable steps and practical advice for those seeking a happy and balanced lifestyle for all members of the family.
Websites: www.dharmaparenting.com