
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Death Is Not Extinction, It Is Extension
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Air Date - 24 January 2024
Join Inspired Living Host Marc Lainhart - The Intuitive Prospector™ this "Wisdom Wednesday" as Marc goes "Prospecting" deeper to discuss the philosophy, wisdom, experience, and one of the great mysteries of being alive: what is death? Walt Whitman wrote in one of his most profound verses, in a golden age of social transformation, change, and science, very similar to our own era of the "Roaring 20s," that "every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you, and what invigorates life invigorates death." Marc often refers to this process of death not as an extinction type of event but as one of amazing extension as the 'Great Spirit' uses our human experiences, choices, free will, and knowledge in a divine way of development, transformation, ascension, and soul evolution, or what Marc often refers to as our own "Soul Adventures!" The whole purpose of life, both here and hereafter, is developing one's true spiritual nature. This is the whole purpose of why we incarnate into the matter and put on this human flesh suit.
If we live our lives right and grow, we will develop the spirit that is ready, and death will come just at the moment when the spirit is ripe for the next stage of its existence. That is the plan of life. Whatever our beliefs may be, these sensemaking playthings of our minds, bodies, and souls all come to a moment of clarity in our journey when the material undoing comes through death and we as humans full of love, pain, chaos, ego, compassion, kindness, memories, moments, and matter can no longer simply fathom or deny how something as exquisite, loving and vast as the universe and Great Spirit of both thought and feeling inside each one of us can simply vanish and go extinct into nothingness. This is the next extension of the borrowed soul stardust that now must return to the universe, return to the 'Great Spirit' or the source that made it all possible in the first place. Once we realize and become aware that we are energy and spiritual beings first choosing to incarnate to have a human experience the divine, spiritual plans of our lives reveal themselves in their own way, time, and perspectives that only we can understand from a first-hand maturity of L.I.F.E. - Learn It From Experience. Simply put another way, incarnation leads us to grow, growth leads us to learn, education leads us to knowledge, knowledge leads us to wisdom, and wisdom leads us to enlightenment and extension of our next "Soul Adventure," not extinction...
#InspiredLiving #MarcLainhart #Death #LifeAfterDeath
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