
Monday Apr 03, 2017
Charting the Tides of Life & LIVE Luminous Soul Readings
Monday Apr 03, 2017
Monday Apr 03, 2017
Aired Monday, 3 April 2017, 3:00 PM ET
Charting the Tides of Life & LIVE Luminous Soul Readings
Join Carrie and her special guest Chris Anderson- Onefeather (www.onefeatherjournal.com) as they discuss the universal energies for April as well as do 2 LIVE Mini Luminous Soul Readings for 2 lucky winners.
To enter the draw for the reading, you must SHARE the post on Facebook and COMMENT below. Please ensure you comment on the original posts located on Chris Anderson & Carrie Turcotte’s personal walls. This will create two lists where all the entries will come together into one draw.
The contest closes at 6pm Sunday, April 2nd. At this time 2 winners will be drawn. The winners names will be posted on both Chris & Carrie’s walls and an email will be sent. You MUST respond by 9pm that evening or another name will be drawn. Chris will need your birth date prior to the show. You also MUST be available to connect live via the phone with Carrie & Chris on Monday, April 3rd at 3:00pm EST.
Good luck and have fun SHARING THE LOVE!