
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Brian Robertson and Simon James - Magician to Mystic
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Magician to Mystic: A Mediumistic Path to a Spiritual Life with Brian Robertson & Simon James
Aired Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 3:00 PM ET
Join us for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as we welcome to the show for the first time, Internationally known mediums, teachers, senior tutors, and course organizers at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England and Directors of ‘The Inner Quest Foundation’ in Victoria, Canada, Brian Robertson and Simon James! We will be discussing their new book, ‘Magician to Mystic: A Mediumistic Path to a Spiritual Life’ (Sorry… NO READINGS during the LIVE show). This is going to be a FANTASTIC show as we discuss the many pathways to mediumship and spiritual development!
TOPIC – ‘Magician to Mystic: A Mediumistic Path to a Spiritual Life’
As long as we believe that enlightenment is to be found outside of ourselves, we miss the point. We live in a culture which rarely encourages the natural faculty of intuition. Instead, we create heroes, follow mentors, and idolize Hollywood stars because we fail to recognize the greatness within ourselves. In our tradition, we nurture the intuitive nature, the natural inner knowing that leads us back to our Beauty. When you awaken to who you are, to your true nature, then you may truly begin on the path of enlightenment. Enlightenment is not just about sitting and bathing in the light, becoming one with everything. We must act. We must do. We must feel. Then we may come to know.
“Everyday Mediumship:” All human beings have the potential to be both the inspired and the inspirer because we are all connected to the Soul of All. Practical inventions, works of art, mathematical theories, musical compositions, and medical discoveries – in short, everything we have ever created is the outflowing of inspiration. We all become the medium for inspired thought and, in this sense, we become an everyday medium.
About the Guests:
Brian Robertson is an internationally known medium, spiritual lecturer and highly respected teacher of transcommunication. He is founder and president of the Inner Quest, a center of study for the ethical development of mediums and serious students of the intuitive arts. He teaches at major colleges and institutions around the world, and is a much sought-after advisor to multi-faith religious organizations, sharing the breadth of his esoteric knowledge both as a keynote speaker on international platforms and in documentary film, radio, and television.
Simon James is one of today’s finest classical spiritual mediums and a living link to the British tradition of the early 20th century, having been one of only five mediums chosen to be personally trained by the renowned Gordon Higginson. He is a director of the Inner Quest in Canada and teaches at major centers in Australia, Great Britain, the United States, Europe and around the world. Simon James holds a degree in Applied Psychology and has extensive knowledge of mythology, the tarot and related disciplines which inform his work with mediums, teachers and medical professionals worldwide.
MORE INFORMATION: https://www.innerquestfoundation.com