
Wednesday Nov 18, 2015
Wednesday Nov 18, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 18 November 2015, 3:00 PM ET
Join us this Wednesday at 3pm EST /12pm PST on INSPIRED LIVING on OM Times Radio: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/ as we welcome famous author (one of my favorite reference books ‘Animal Spirit Guides’), DR. STEVEN FARMER. This is going to be a great show!!!
About the Guest Dr. Steven Farmer
DR. STEVEN FARMER is a world-renowned author, teacher, shamanic practitioner, and Soul Healer. He has published several best-selling books and other products, including Earth Magic®, Earth Magic® Oracle Cards, Animal Spirit Guides, Sacred Ceremony, Power Animal Oracle Cards, Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards, Power Animals, Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides guided meditation CD, Children’s Spirit Animal Cards), the recently released Children’s Spirit Animal Stories CD’s Vol. 1 & 2, the Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals and the recently released, Healing Ancestral Karma: Free Yourself from Unhealthy Family Patterns.
In addition Dr. Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, former college professor, Reiki Master, and an ordained minister in the Circle of Sacred Earth Church. He brings a wealth of skills and experience to his writing, teaching, and spiritual healing, offering clients a unique and powerful synthesis of his many years of experience as a spiritual psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, and hypnotherapist to afford quick and effective results.