
Tuesday Jul 07, 2015
Amanda Rain – Speaking the Unspeakable
Tuesday Jul 07, 2015
Tuesday Jul 07, 2015
Aired Monday, 6 July 2015, 9:00 PM ET
Imagine if you could say what was in your heart. Imagine if you could ask for what you want from your partner, your family, your friends or the world. If you only had the words, the phrasing, the bravery and the ability to shout our your hidden desires, wishes, wants and dreams. What kind of intimacy could you have? What kind of life would you lead if you only knew how to speak those unspeakable thoughts and images in your mind, heart and head? Right now the world is experiencing a time of evolution and transformation like never before.
Growing pains don’t have to hurt. Flowers blossom to pleasure and sunlight. We can open to beauty, grace, magic and wonder. We can rise to every occasion evolving through love, harmony, pleasure and joy.
Speak Truth. Live Freedom.
Video: Speaking the Unspeakable with A.M. Rain
About Guest Amanda Rain
Amanda founded Speaking the Unspeakable to support people in communicating with clarity and heart. Her unique blend of rhetorical studies, speech communication, shamanic studies, activism, political advocacy, debate, and life experience weave her communication coaching and interactive workshops into a potent experience of personal growth and essential skill sharing.
Amanda earned a bachelor’s degree in Speech Communication at Wayne State University in Detroit, where she explored communication as the foundation upon which we build our world. This training gave her a language to express her life experience, a tool she has used to empower others ever since. While in collegiate debate she earned Semi-finalist in the Novice division of the American Debate Association tournament her first year, as well as placing in several other tournaments and earning multiple speaker awards. Here, Amanda learned to dance the tension between conflicting concepts, facts and philosophies, giving her the ability to support connection and resolution from a full spectrum perspective.
For ten years, Amanda was an advocate to end the war on drugs. She has worked with Americans for Safe Access, Students for Sensible Drug Policy, Oaksterdam University as well as the 2010 Prop 19 campaign. Amanda has been interviewed by ABC, NBC, CBS, CBC, Reason TV, the Doctors, as well as the documentary, Legalize It.
As communication is both the frame and the paint that constructs and colors our life experience, the ability to express oneself is critical for the health and vitality of our relationships, both personal and professional. How we speak often makes all the difference in our success.
Time and again, effective communication would prevent unnecessary hardship and heartache, giving us the ability to deescalate stressful situations and open the door to resolution.
Amanda’s insightful understanding of the struggles of the soul and pathways to freedom comes from her own experience of rising like the phoenix from the ash of her life to heal, transform and fly again. She inspires courage to face our personal and collective pain to free ourselves to walk with honesty, integrity and truth as one human family. Her voice offers hope for the spirit and medicine for the soul.
Website: www.Speaking-the-Unspeakable.com