
Wednesday Sep 02, 2015
Akashic Records – Barbara Schiffman
Wednesday Sep 02, 2015
Wednesday Sep 02, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 2 September 2015, 3:00 PM ET
Want to know the blueprint of your soul’s history? Would you like to learn how to access this information and how it can help you live in alignment with your true self? Join us for an inspiring talk on how to do this and all the wisdom that’s contained in these records.
About Guest Barbara Schiffman
Barbara is an author, teacher and speaker. She has an extensive background as being an Akashic Records Advanced Teacher & Healing Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Facilitator, Life&Soul Coach, Soul Key Hypnosis Therapist, Voyager Coach/Teacher, Inner Guide Meditation Facilitator and an Agent of Conscious Evolution (ACE).
Her writings, coaching programs and spiritual counseling are designed to inspire fresh ways for people to expand their own lives and evolve their Souls by boosting their positive energy.
In her practice she utilize empowering inner tools like hypnosis, NLP, guided imagery, Energy-Astrology, Nature’s 4 Elements and Akashic Records guidance, among others. For more information visit: www.barbaraschiffman.com or www.yourlifeandsoul.com