Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
The 21st Century Renaissance with Marc Lainhart
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
The 21st Century Renaissance with Marc Lainhart
Aired Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST
INSPIRED LIVING – TOP 100 Inspirational Podcasts to follow and listen to in 2023!
SOURCE: https://blog.feedspot.com/inspirational_podcasts
The original and first Renaissance was not born in idyllic circumstances; instead, it was a literal rebirth of human culture and the transformation of society, our consciousness, and the human mind. The future will likely be better than we think, but we must design, navigate, and govern it wisely! Join ‘ILR’ Host Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector™ this “Wisdom Wednesday” LIVE as Marc discusses the context for heralding in and experiencing this New Renaissance of our “Roaring 20s.” We are just two decades in, and the twenty-first century has already shown us a massive economic crash, geopolitical quagmires, significant bank failures, sovereignty wars, rapid technology growth and expansion, housing and homelessness bureaucracy, the steady decline of democracy and government overreach and the general idea of a nation divided through tribalism, politics and a past deadly global pandemic. Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different! It is now a portal, a door, a gateway, a global transformation away from the old world, old ways, old thinking, and old beliefs, and the new world that awaits us all. Free Will and choice have always been our greatest strengths as humans, and we can choose to walk through this portal of change and transformation, dragging along with us the heavy carcasses of our prejudice, ego, racism, and hatred, our avarice, our dead rivers, our burning forests, and our smoky skies. Alternatively, we can walk through lightly, with a positive, determined, and inspired mindset ready for change with little luggage from our past and our history, governed ego, power, and greed, and embrace a new world from what history will look back on as our third Renaissance for the 21st Century. A world full of healing, equality, justice, humanity, equal opportunity, impartiality, balance, uniformity, self-mastery, sustainability, homeostasis, and what Marc views and forecasts as “The Great Coming Together!”
Did COVID-19 and the deadly global pandemic help us create this new Renaissance? History once again is advising and showing us everyday since. A rapid transformation of self, human consciousness, the psychology and anthropology of the mind, society, home, career, and awareness for our planet. There have been two historical renaissances to note. The first, the Asian Renaissance, was very personal: the quest for inner peace, enlightenment, and the utopia of the mind. The second, the European Renaissance, challenged dogma, allowing science and art to flourish, creating the possibility of revolution after a revolution against authority and religious rule that does not serve the greater good or “we the people.” The question, challenge and project laid before us is, can we integrate what we have experienced and learned from our past into this next stage of human evolution, growth and transformation for a much bigger, brighter and better tomorrow? Tune in and let’s discuss!
Using the work and writings of Arundhati Roy as a starting off point for discussion and a guide for future conversations and debates, Marc will discuss and share possible pivots for change and transformation, including:
* The shift from GDP to Wellbeing
* From Roads, Rates, and Rubbish to the Anticipatory City
* From Central Fossil Fuel Systems to Decentralized Distributed Renewable Systems
* A Green, Fair, Healthy, and Coordinated Planet
* Inclusion and Partnership toward the Inner
“Culling is God’s Natural Order. Ask yourself, What followed the Black Death? We all know the answer. The Renaissance. Rebirth.” ―Dan Brown
“Be Inspired! Inspire Others! Inspired Before We Expire!” -ILR
SPIRITUAL CONSULTING – LIFE. LOSS. LOVE. Based in Seattle, Washington, Minister Marc Lainhart is a multiple award-winning British trained Psychic and Spiritual Medium and Best American Psychics 2020 Psychic of the Year. Marc’s work as a Radio Show Host, Hiking Guide, Metaphysical Teacher, Inspirational Thought Leader, Certified Healthcare Provider, and Writer strives to share, help, inspire, guide, educate, teach, and transform others in connecting to spirit, self, and this wonderful world around us! With his own Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), Out of Body Experiences (OBEs), and several personal tragedies along the way, Marc has spent the last two decades deciphering and demystifying the sensational subject matter of death and dying and now endeavors to help others from around the world tap into and flex their intuitive muscles and abilities.
“Dare to Dream! Dare to Explore! Dare to LIVE and Discover the Diamond Within!” -The Intuitive Prospector™
#21stCenturyRenaissance #InspiredLiving #MarcLainhart
Visit the Inspired Living show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio/
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Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
The PATH - Meditations for the Modern Mind with Dina Kaplan
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
The PATH – Meditations for the Modern Mind with Dina Kaplan
Aired Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST
INSPIRED LIVING – TOP 100 Inspirational Podcasts to follow and listen to in 2023!
SOURCE: https://blog.feedspot.com/inspirational_podcasts
Join Inspired Living Host Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector™ this “Wisdom Wednesday” as we welcome to the show for the first time Meditation Teacher Dina Kaplan to discuss ‘THE PATH,’ and our approach to meditations for the modern mind to explore and discover our true PATH to health, happiness, peace, and truth. “When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a candle in a windless place.” –Bhagavad Gita
Ready to go “PROSPECTING!”
TIME ZONES FOR LIVE SHOW: 10 am PT (Hawaii) 12 pm PT (Seattle) 1 pm MT (Colorado) 2 pm CT (Chicago) 3 pm ET (Boston) 8 pm (London)
Locate, Listen and Leave us a Review of ‘INSPIRED LIVING’ now streaming on any of your favorite Podcasting Platforms!
OMTIMES INTERNET GLOBAL PLAYER: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO – LISTEN LIVE FROM ANY DEVICE FROM ANYWHERE AROUND THE PLANET: https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio or http://backbonenetworks.streamguys.com/OMtimes1.mp3
“Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.” -Buddha
Dina Kaplan is founder/CEO and a certified meditation teacher who teaches meditation and guides retreats around the world. Before founding The Path, Dina was co-founder and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the tech start-up Blip.tv in web video. Before Blip, Dina was an Emmy-award winning television news reporter for local NBC stations. Prior to reporting, Dina worked as an associate producer for MTV News and at the White House as Director of Research for the Office of the White House Counsel. Dina was named one of Fortune Magazine’s Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs and Fast Company’s Most Influential Women of Web 2.0. She has a column about meditation for entrepreneurs on Forbes.com and has written articles for the New York Times, Today.com, Time Magazine’s Motto, Marie Claire, Medium, Town & Country and more. Dina loves languages (speak to her in Italian), hosting dinner parties, and the tiny Sicilian island of Panarea.
Dina is a certified meditation teacher and leads meditations around the world at conferences, for large and small groups, brands, corporations and individuals in Japan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Iceland, across the U.S. and elsewhere in Asia and Europe. She has studied and practiced dozens of meditation techniques, including Vipassana, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Vedic (or “mantra”) meditation, loving-kindness or (“metta”) meditation and more. Dina ended up traveling around the world for two and a half years, falling deeply into meditation and studying with masters and gurus around the world. Her mission is to reach people with impact and kindness, so they can in turn help to push meditation into the mainstream. Through teacher training programs, retreats, weekly meditations and more. The Path now reaches thousands of people a year, training and inspiring people to be more mindful in all areas of their lives. Dina’s mission is to give people the tools and inspiration to begin and maintain a daily practice and to create community around meditation. The Path has run certificate Meditation Teacher Training programs since 2015. We are renowned for cultivating community and for teaching Buddhist wisdom in an inspiring and relatable way, so it impacts your daily life ina wonderfully positive way. This program offers TONS of experience guiding meditations, so you feel comfortable guiding a variety of mindfulness and compassion meditations when you graduate.
The Path’s upcoming MELA Retreat in Florida in May! A world-renowned meditation retreat!: https://www.thepath.com/melaapply
The Path’s brand new “30 Days to Meditator”- an amazing online course that will teach you a variety of meditation techniques and have you meditating on your own in just 30 days: https://www.thepath.com/30days
#DinaKaplan #InspiredLiving #MarcLainhart
Visit the Inspired Living show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio/
Connect with Marc Lainhart at http://www.marclainhart.com/
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Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Paradigms and Perspectives for Psychic-Mediumship with Joy Giovanni
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Paradigms and Perspectives for Psychic-Mediumship with Joy Giovanni
Aired Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST
INSPIRED LIVING – TOP 100 Inspirational Podcasts to follow and listen to in 2023!
SOURCE: https://blog.feedspot.com/inspirational_podcasts
Join Inspired Living Host Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector™ this “Wisdom Wednesday” as we welcome to the show for the first time, Author, Teacher and the “JOYful Medium,” Joy Giovanni to have an “Inspiring” chat about paradigms, perspectives, and pathways for Psychic-Mediumship.
“Every soul has a unique vibrational frequency – like an energetic fingerprint.” -Joy Giovanni
Ready to go “PROSPECTING!”
10 am PT (Hawaii)
12 pm PT (Seattle)
1 pm MT (Colorado)
2 pm CT (Chicago)
3 pm ET (Boston)
8 pm (London)
Locate, Listen and Leave us a Review of ‘INSPIRED LIVING’ now streaming on any of your favorite Podcasting Platforms!
OMTIMES INTERNET GLOBAL PLAYER: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO – LISTEN LIVE FROM ANY DEVICE FROM ANYWHERE AROUND THE PLANET: https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio or http://backbonenetworks.streamguys.com/OMtimes1.mp3
“Thus, we do not lose our identity as we advance to a new way of being. In soul form, we retain the wisdom of earthly lessons learned as well as the best aspects of our personhood. This transition holds promise for becoming an improved version of our old self.” -William Stillman, The Secret Language of Spirit.
Joy Giovanni is a renowned and sought-after psychic medium, healer, and spiritual teacher. “In my work, I combine my life-long spiritual abilities and my years of training with world-renowned psychic mediums, healers and personal growth experts. All that with a good measure of empowering “psychic bestie” straight talk when you need it! It’s my ultimate mission to help people like you turn loss into healing and confusion into clarity—so you can step fully into your power.”
Raised in Boston and internationally known for her time as a WWE Diva, model and actress, Joy always knew her sensitivity and connection with her own intuition and spirituality was something special, but it wasn’t until she realized others didn’t have the same sensing abilities — like seeing bright, swirling colors every time she closed her eyes — that she channeled her psychic energy to help heal others. As a published author, public speaker and media personality, Joy’s calming nature matched with her unique gifts and insights go far beyond her individual clients, making psychic, mediumship and healing more personable and accessible to audiences across the globe. Just think of me as your psychic bestie from Boston giving relatable, down to earth experiences with healing messages and real life guidance you can actually use…
MORE INFORMATION: https://www.joyfulmedium.com/
#JoyGiovanni #InspiredLiving #MarcLainhart
Visit the Inspired Living show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio/
Connect with Marc Lainhart at http://www.marclainhart.com/
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Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) and Lessons with Chris Jankulovski
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) and Lessons with Chris Jankulovski
Aired Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST
INSPIRED LIVING – TOP 100 Inspirational Podcasts to follow and listen to in 2023!
SOURCE: https://blog.feedspot.com/inspirational_podcasts
Join Inspired Living Host Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector™ this “Wisdom Wednesday” as we welcome to the show for the first time, Author, Chris Jankulovski to have an “Inspiring” chat about his new book, ‘Near Death Lessons. A Dream. A Terminal Illness. An Extraordinary Life Gained. From 8 Near Death Experiences.’
“Life is a dream walking. Death is going home.” ―Chinese Proverb
Ready to go “PROSPECTING!”
10 am PT (Hawaii)
12 pm PT (Seattle)
1 pm MT (Colorado)
2 pm CT (Chicago)
3 pm ET (Boston)
8 pm (London)
Locate, Listen and Leave us a Review of ‘INSPIRED LIVING’ now streaming on any of your favorite Podcasting Platforms!
OMTIMES INTERNET GLOBAL PLAYER: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO – LISTEN LIVE FROM ANY DEVICE FROM ANYWHERE AROUND THE PLANET: https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio or http://backbonenetworks.streamguys.com/OMtimes1.mp3
“If you live each day as it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” ―Steve Jobs
Chris Jankulovski is the Founder and CEO of Remote Staff, a recruiting company specializing in remote working placements. Remarkably, he was able to build and grow this thriving business while battling cancer, failing kidneys and several brain operations. Throughout these challenges and more, Chris was able to find a way to transform his life from one of fear, struggle and self-doubt, to one of empowerment, success, health and happiness. He continually challenged himself to keep learning, growing and becoming all that he dreamed of being. Today Chris is happy, healthy and living a life of meaning and purpose, with a loving family and several very successful businesses. He is committed to sharing with the world the lessons he has learned along the way, to help others know that they too can overcome whatever stands in the way of living their dreams.
“My theory is that during these near-death events, you experience time in a different dimension. You’re also given a choice whether you want to continue to live or to die. I chose life each time.” ― Chris Jankulovski, Near Death Lessons: A Dream. A Terminal Illness. An Extraordinary Life Gained from 8 Near Death Experiences
MORE INFORMATION: https://www.neardeathlessons.com/
#ChrisJankulovski #NearDeathExperiences #InspiredLiving #MarcLainhart
Visit the Inspired Living show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio/
Connect with Marc Lainhart at http://www.marclainhart.com/
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Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
The Year of Truth, Trials, and Transformations with Marc Lainhart
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
The Year of Truth, Trials, and Transformations with Marc Lainhart
Aired Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST
INSPIRED LIVING – TOP 100 Inspirational Podcasts to follow and listen to in 2023! https://blog.feedspot.com/inspirational_podcasts/
Join ‘ILR’ Host Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector™ this “Wisdom Wednesday” LIVE as Marc does his annual forecasting, projection, predicting, and podcasting for 2023 and the Universal Year of the “7” known as “TRUTH and the TRUTH SEEKER!” The number 7 in Numerology is known as a Universal number and is both deep and wise, and has even been noted to have been Pythagorean’s favorite number, “lucky number 7.” The number 7 in a Universal year will not be satisfied with simple explanations and surface-level information, this is petty and senseless stuff. This year’s forecast by Marc knows that the real gold and diamonds are buried deeper and the energy and intuition of the number 7 won’t stop until it finds it…THE TRUTH! It will keep digging and “prospecting” for more and more and more! Asking questions, researching, listening, and sensing are all special skills the 7 uses in its search for awareness, trials, and transformations. Though Spirituality is especially important to the number 7 in Numerology, it takes a more intellectual approach to life than an emotional one. It is also an analytical number that enjoys gathering and filtering through information and metadata to find those life answers. Still, the number 7 has a more powerful intuition than one might expect which it uses as a guide. This combination of conscious and subconscious thinking allows the mind of Numerology number 7 to shine a bright miner’s lantern into the very deepest caves and realms to access and Illuminate those buried and hidden truths. 2023 is the stage for this to be observed, explored and revealed.
“Explore the Unknown! See the Unseen as we are somewhere in between!” -The Intuitive Prospector™
Ready to go “PROSPECTING!”
10 am PT (Hawaii)
12 pm PT (Seattle)
1 pm MT (Colorado)
2 pm CT (Chicago)
3 pm ET (Boston)
8 pm (London)
9 pm (Rome)
Locate, Listen and Leave us a Review of ‘INSPIRED LIVING’ now streaming on any of your favorite Podcasting Platforms!
OMTIMES INTERNET GLOBAL PLAYER: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO – LISTEN LIVE FROM ANY DEVICE FROM ANYWHERE AROUND THE PLANET: https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio or http://backbonenetworks.streamguys.com/OMtimes1.mp3
SPIRITUAL CONSULTING – LIFE. LOSS. LOVE. Based in Seattle, Washington, Minister Marc Lainhart is an award-winning British trained Psychic and Spiritual Medium and Best American Psychics 2020 Psychic of the Year. Marc’s work as a Radio Show Host, Hiking Guide, Metaphysical Teacher, Inspirational Thought Leader, Certified Healthcare Provider, and Writer striving to help, inspire, guide, teach, and transform others in connecting to spirit, self, and this wonderful world around us! With his own Near-Death Experience (NDE), Out of Body Experience (OBE), and several personal tragedies along the way, Marc has spent the last two decades deciphering and demystifying the sensational subject matter of death and dying and now endeavors to help others from around the world tap into and flex their intuitive muscles and abilities with a deeper understanding and awareness of “After Death Communications -ADCs” and interactions with the mystical, universe and unseen!
#Transformations #InspiredLiving #MarcLainhart
Visit the Inspired Living show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio/
Connect with Marc Lainhart at http://www.marclainhart.com/
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Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
From Service to Success with Bob Taylor
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
From Service to Success: New Mission, New Purpose, and a New Journey to a Great Life with Bob Taylor
Aired Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST
INSPIRED LIVING – TOP 100 Inspirational Podcasts to follow and listen to in 2023!
SOURCE: https://blog.feedspot.com/inspirational_podcasts
Join Inspired Living Host Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector™ this “Wisdom Wednesday” as we welcome to the show for the first time, Veteran, Author, and CEO/Owner of Alliant Enterprises Bob Taylor to have an “Inspiring” chat about his book, ‘From Service to Success: New Mission, New Purpose, and a New Journey to a Great Life.’ Our Top Priorities – Create new enterprises throughout the U.S. and for research to identify, support, and deliver proactive and technologically advanced treatments for veterans, with a key focus on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). “The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.”-Patrick Henry
“More veterans died from suicide in a ten-year period than during the entirety of the Vietnam War. From Service to Success is a lifeline for veterans who seek to move past the pain and trauma of service and adapt to a new way of living. Your purchase supports our veterans by ensuring they receive the help and support this book provides.” -Bob Taylor Pre-order a signed copy of From Service to Success, and we give one to a veteran, too!
10 am PT (Hawaii)
12 pm PT (Seattle)
1 pm MT (Colorado)
2 pm CT (Chicago)
3 pm ET (Boston)
8 pm (London)
9 pm (Rome)
Locate, Listen and Leave us a Review of ‘INSPIRED LIVING’ now streaming on any of your favorite Podcasting Platforms!
OMTIMES INTERNET GLOBAL PLAYER: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO – LISTEN LIVE FROM ANY DEVICE FROM ANYWHERE AROUND THE PLANET: https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio or http://backbonenetworks.streamguys.com/OMtimes1.mp3
Bob Taylor, CEO/Owner of Alliant Enterprises, graduated from Michigan State University in 1986 as a mechanical engineer and entered the Air Force as a B-52 navigator. He flew 11 combat missions during Operation Desert Storm and received the Air Force’s Air Medal, and then served as a KC-135 navigator, rising to the rank of Major. Over the past 30 years, Bob held positions in engineering, operations, marketing, sales, Chief Operating Officer, and eventually CEO in the medical device industry. In 2010, his company, Alliant Healthcare Products was the 10th fastest growing healthcare company in the United States. Last year Alliant Healthcare helped companies sell over $110 million of high-tech medical products to the VA and military hospitals.Alliant is a verified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business formed in 2002. The company was recently recognized by the Small Business Administration (SBA) Michigan chapter as the Veteran-Owned Small Business of the Year for 2019. As a veteran owner, he has been a staunch advocate for legislative initiatives supporting veteran-owned enterprises and has spoken on Capitol Hill several times.Taylor’s writing of From Service to Success is a cornerstone of The Patriot Promise™ Foundation, which he founded to help drive down the rate of suicides among veterans and to provide a clear path forward as our warfighters transition into a new mission and new purpose following their service. The Patriot Promise™ Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. The foundation is establishing non-profit ventures run 100% by veterans and offering veterans the ability to learn new skills in the workplace while also learning to enhance their lives through a training program based on the book. But, its first priority is to get 100,000 of From Service to Success into the hands of veterans through donations from the public.
MORE INFORMATION: https://patriotpromise.org
#BobTaylor #InspiredLiving #MarcLainhart
Visit the Inspired Living show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio/
Connect with Marc Lainhart at http://www.marclainhart.com/
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Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Listening to Angels with Angel Intuitive, Michael André Ford
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Listening to Angels with Angel Intuitive, Michael André Ford
Aired Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST
INSPIRED LIVING – TOP 100 Inspirational Podcasts to follow and listen to in 2023! https://blog.feedspot.com/inspirational_podcasts/
Join Inspired Living Host Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector™ this “Wisdom Wednesday” as we welcome to the show for the first time, Angel Intuitive, Author, and Teacher, Michael André Ford to have an “inspiring” chat about his book, ‘Listening to Angels, How to Listen to Angels for Answers to Life Questions!’ Let’s go “PROSPECTING!”
10 am PT (Hawaii)
12 pm PT (Seattle)
1 pm MT (Colorado)
2 pm CT (Chicago)
3 pm ET (Boston)
8 pm (London)
9 pm (Rome)
Locate, Listen and Leave us a Review of ‘INSPIRED LIVING’ now streaming on any of your favorite Podcasting Platforms!
OMTIMES INTERNET GLOBAL PLAYER: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO – LISTEN LIVE FROM ANY DEVICE FROM ANYWHERE AROUND THE PLANET: https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio or http://backbonenetworks.streamguys.com/OMtimes1.mp3
Michael André Ford is an American Angel Intuitive who helps you directly meet, hear and see Angels, figures from India, Native American Chiefs, Faeries, Light Beings and other loving figures like Mary, Buddha, Sai Baba, Krishna, Jesus. Also, meet passed-over loved ones and pets. Everything is direct! Listen for your own answers. Any details. All languages are spoken. All dialects. Get hugs! See Angels standing before you. You may do this as a group with others who have owned the experience first solo. Visit Michael’s website for photos of Angels, while there, choose a photo of an Angel and put your palm out. Feel the vibe!
“Listening to Angels” was Amazon’s No2 Bestseller in “Angels” this past year! For his short “Listening to Angels” book (written by Angels/ $4.99), visit the Amazon Author Profile at: https://www.amazon.com/author/angels
MORE INFORMATION: https://www.michaelandreford.com/
#MichaelAndréFord #ListeningToAngels #InspiredLiving #MarcLainhart
Visit the Inspired Living show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio/
Connect with Marc Lainhart at http://www.marclainhart.com/
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Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Healing and Navigating S.A.D. Days with Marc Lainhart
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Healing and Navigating S.A.D. Days with Marc Lainhart
Aired Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST
INSPIRED LIVING – Feedspot’s Best 100 Inspirational Podcasts to follow and listen to in 2022! https://blog.feedspot.com/inspirational_podcasts/
Join Inspired Living Host Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector™ this “Wisdom Wednesday” as Marc explores, discovers, and “PROSPECTS” for ways to overcome, heal and transform to get through S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) days on the many Soul Adventures of life. “Dare to Dream! Dare to Explore! Dare to LIVE and Discover the Diamond Within!” -The Intuitive Prospector™
Ready to go “PROSPECTING!”
10 am PT (Hawaii)
12 pm PT (Seattle)
1 pm MT (Colorado)
2 pm CT (Chicago)
3 pm ET (Boston)
8 pm (London) 9 pm (Rome)
Locate, Listen and Leave us a Review of ‘INSPIRED LIVING’ now streaming on any of your favorite Podcasting Platforms!
OMTIMES INTERNET GLOBAL PLAYER: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO – LISTEN LIVE FROM ANY DEVICE FROM ANYWHERE AROUND THE PLANET: https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio or http://backbonenetworks.streamguys.com/OMtimes1.mp3
SPIRITUAL CONSULTING – LIFE. LOSS. LOVE. Based in Seattle, Washington, Minister Marc Lainhart is an award-winning British trained Psychic and Spiritual Medium and Best American Psychics 2020 Psychic of the Year. Marc’s work as a Radio Show Host, Hiking Guide, Metaphysical Teacher, Inspirational Thought Leader, Certified Healthcare Provider, and Writer striving to help, inspire, guide, teach, and transform others in connecting to spirit, self, and this wonderful world around us! With his own Near-Death Experience (NDE), Out of Body Experience (OBE), and several personal tragedies along the way, Marc has spent the last two decades deciphering and demystifying the sensational subject matter of death and dying and now endeavors to help others from around the world tap into and flex their intuitive muscles and abilities with a deeper understanding and awareness of “After Death Communications -ADCs” and interactions with the mystical, universe and unseen!
#Healing #InspiredLiving #MarcLainhart
Visit the Inspired Living show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio/
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Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Soul Rise with Spiritualist-Medium Adam Berry
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Soul Rise with Spiritualist-Medium Adam Berry
Aired Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST
INSPIRED LIVING – Feedspot’s Best 100 Inspirational Podcasts to follow and listen to in 2022! https://blog.feedspot.com/inspirational_podcasts/
Join Inspired Living Host Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector™ this “Wisdom Wednesday” as we welcome to the show for the first time, modern-day Spiritualist Medium, Adam Berry to have an “inspiring” chat about his new book, ‘Soul Rise, Soul Expressions!’
Soul Rise is a collection of poems that have evolved from a poem called ‘Share’. These have become expressions of the soul born to touch the soul of each reader. After each expression there is a Soul Reflections page, designed so that readers can write down their own reflections with how the words may have touched, moved, or affected them in some way. The poems invite you into a deeper understanding of self and of others, designed so you can share the expressions at your favourite spiritual gatherings, communities or with friends and family. https://www.soulrise.co.uk/
Ready to go “PROSPECTING!”
10 am PT (Hawaii)
12 pm PT (Seattle)
1 pm MT (Colorado)
2 pm CT (Chicago)
3 pm ET (Boston)
8 pm (London)
9 pm (Rome)
Locate, Listen and Leave us a Review of ‘INSPIRED LIVING’ now streaming on any of your favorite Podcasting Platforms!
Adam is a modern-day Spiritualist Medium with traditional values, who grew up in and around Bury, Lancashire in the United Kingdom. Adam was awarded the Spiritualist National Union’s (SNU) prestigious Gordon Higginson Memorial Scholarship Award in 2016 and has since been awarded a Certificate of recognition with the SNU csnu (t) in speaking, Demonstrating and Teaching. Adam has also met the standard to become a trainee tutor at the Arthur Findlay College. Adam is known for his compassion and dedication in serving others searching for proof of survival of the soul after physical death. This belief has led him to seek the very highest of standards in mediumship and knowledge of the Soul & Spirit, and he continues to study to this day in order to be of service. From experiences as a young child, his desire and drive to gain knowledge led him to study at The AFC, the world-renowned college for the advancement of Spiritualism and psychic sciences, which opened his mind and Spiritual development further.
Adam is also a Poet and Author and his book Soul Rise is now available worldwide. Soul Rise is a collection of poems that have evolved from a poem called ‘Share’. These have become expressions of the soul born to touch the soul of each reader. After each expression there is a Soul Reflections page, designed so that readers can write down their own reflections with how the words may have touched, moved, or affected them in some way. The poems invite you into a deeper understanding of self and of others, designed so you can share the expressions at your favourite spiritual gatherings, communities or with friends and family. Adam’s book is now available on ‘Print on Demand’ which reduces the delays in delivery and of course overseas postage charges.
Connect with Adam at https://www.adamberrymedium.com/
#AdamBerry #InspiredLiving #MarcLainhart
Visit the Inspired Living show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio/
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Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Have We Already Been Visited by Extraterrestrials and Higher Dimensional Beings?
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Have We Already Been Visited by Extraterrestrials and Higher Dimensional Beings?
Aired Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST
Feedspot’s Best 100 Inspirational Podcasts to Listen to in 2022! #19 – INSPIRED LIVING! https://blog.feedspot.com/inspirational_podcasts/
Join Inspired Living Host Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector™ this “Wisdom Wednesday” as Marc goes deeper to discuss, debate, and examine the latest news, perspectives, and updates in the field of Ufology, space travel, and our search for extraterrestrial life and higher dimensional beings. Fact? Fallacy? Fantasy? What is the next evolution for the human race, our planet, Space Force, space travel, society, religion, and technology? Join Marc as he pursues and “Prospects” on one of the most profound, compelling, and inspiring questions in science and spirituality and, indeed, all of philosophy. NASA’s third science question: ‘Are We Alone?’
“Yes, there have been ET visitations. There have been crashed craft. There have been material and bodies recovered. There has been a certain amount of reverse engineering that has allowed some of these craft, or some components, to be duplicated. And there is some group of people that may or may not be associated with government at this point that have this knowledge. They have been attempting to conceal this knowledge. People in high level government have very little, if any, valid information about this. It has been the subject of disinformation in order to deflect attention and create confusion so the truth doesn’t come out. ” ― Edgar D. Mitchell, The Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut’s Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds
Ready to go “PROSPECTING!”
10 am PT (Hawaii)
12 pm PT (Seattle)
1 pm MT (Colorado)
2 pm CT (Chicago)
3 pm ET (Boston)
8 pm (London)
9 pm (Rome)
Locate, Listen and Leave us a Review of ‘INSPIRED LIVING’ now streaming on any of your favorite Podcasting Platforms!
SPIRITUAL CONSULTING – LIFE. LOSS. LOVE. Based in Seattle, Washington, Marc Lainhart is an award-winning, internationally respected and tested British trained Psychic and Spiritual Medium and Best American Psychics 2020 Psychic of the Year. Marc’s work as a Radio Show Host, Hiking Guide, Metaphysical Teacher, Inspirational Thought Leader, Certified Healthcare Provider, and Writer striving to help, inspire, guide, teach, and transform others in connecting to spirit, self, and this wonderful world around us! With his own Near Death Experience (NDE) and several personal tragedies, Marc has spent the last several years deciphering and demystifying the sensational subject matter of death and dying and now endeavours to help others from around the world tap into and flex their intuitive muscles and abilities. Marc accomplishes this passion, love, and working for spirit on a daily basis through deep meditations, Qigong energy exercises, personal readings, online webinars, lectures, speaking engagements, personal mentoring and development, fun and intuitive workshops, local-spiritual hikes, daily inspirational writings, and many personal healing sessions throughout the year. Marc is looking forward to “Spiritually Prospecting” directly with you so that together you can explore and discover your own “Spiritual Gold!”
#HigherDimensionalBeings #InspiredLiving #MarcLainhart
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